
Argumentative Essay On Bullying In Schools

Satisfactory Essays

Imagine living in a world where education was a place where everyone got along and there were no issues for students to come across interrupting their education and prevent them from learning. Nowadays, few students are afraid to speak and say what's on their mind because they are scared to be who they are when they know there will be someone out there to harm them whether if it's mental or physical harm either way they can affect students in the same way. Bullying can also inherent issues in learning institutions, but high school teenagers are bullied all over the internet and in person as well. Even though teenagers use technology every day because of its availability and affordability, with no adult supervision since it's their phone. Therefore, zero tolerance toward violence vs. bullying in schools damages student's education and can interpret their learning. Education is a process that involves the transfer of knowledge, habit and skills from one generation to another through teaching. Cyber bullying has been a problem for a very long time due to the development of our technology today. It has become one of the most difficult issues to resolve in our society because bullying comes in all sorts of ways.. As Eckes & Russo state, “Student substance abuse in and around schools in the form of drugs and alcohol, along with weapons-related violence” (2012). This indicates that cyber bullying comes in many different shapes, whether it's on the internet or at school. Many high

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