
Argumentative Essay On Drones

Decent Essays

Santiago Tovar Judy Jackson English 1101 22 November 2014 Drones As the human race continues to develop new types of technology in high speeds in new diverse categories that continue arise. The old Greeks developed a Mythological story that follows a great king called Sisyphus who once ruled Ephyra the land now known as Corinth. The myth is said that the mortal king Sisyphus attempted to deceive the gods by requesting before his death to not be given a proper funeral thus not wanting to go to the underworld. Although the mighty intelligent Greek gods noticed this and had to deiced a fitting punishment for mortal. The punishment the gods had agreed on, was one but a pointless one with a mixture of eternity. The punishment was …show more content…

If the word "drone" is search on "" around eighty million results can be found if the same is done for "drone war" roughly thirty million results can be viewed roughly half of the publicity on the internet about drones is about how war and drones are connected. The other burden that drones have been categorized is with privacy and which has to deal from the government this is because only the government has created drones. Thus all the information the public knows about drones is through government use.The technically accurate name for a drone is an unmanned aerial vehicle or UAV for short. This name helps define drones as unmanned or not piloted by an person. Furthermore, they are aerial vehicles or flying aircrafts. Drones are in terms, scaled up model airplanes that serve a tactical purpose rather than just for enjoyment of flying a remote controlled aircraft that are known to build and fly. Drones can be remote controlled by a pilot and/or controlled by a computer. In other words, drones can be programmed to carry out any type of action without direct human control. With just the name and definition of drones being so wide and confusing, it is no wonder that people are also confused by the advantages and disadvantages of

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