The article I read about was the National Institute on Drug Abuse on “Is Marijuana Addictive”?
Most people believe that marijuana isn’t addictive or is a drug, but Marijuana is proven to lead to development issues, and disorders causing severe forms of addiction. It was stated that individuals who begin using marijuana before the ages of 18 are about 4-7 times more likely to develop a marijuana disorder. Marijuana disorders are associated with dependence in which a user who stop taking drug feels symptoms of withdrawal. Marijuana users reported feeling a great sense of irritability, mood swings and difficulties sleeping, and many forms of physical discomfort within just the first week of quitting that will last up to two weeks. The dependence occur in the brain when adapting the brain to large amounts of the drug in which
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Also, showing that exposure to THC during adolescence associated with the altered reward system, will increase the likelihood that will self-administer others drugs, when given the opportunity to do so. The truth is drug addiction is a complex disease, and quitting isn’t as easy as it seems to appear. Addiction is the purest form of a chronic disease in which one seeks more drugs making it extremely difficult to control the urges and ignoring the future internal consequences. The intake of drugs you take can cause the repeated use of drugs which often times lead to changes within the brain the challenge with most people that causes the continuation on taking drug is the lack of self-control that interfere with their ability to resist the urge to continue inflicting self-harm. The addiction that can be persistent even long after people recovery from the use of drugs , because drug addiction is considered to be a “relapsing” disease people who are trying to recover are at higher risk for returning to drug use even after years of avoiding the use.
In the United States, we have enacted numerous bans and restrictions against certain drugs and substances with the purpose of protecting the general public from their negative effects. On this list of illegal drugs are harmful and addictive substances such as cocaine, methamphetamines, and heroin. A substance called cannabis, also known as marijuana, is also on this list. As of now, it is illegal to buy, sell, possess, or use marijuana in any shape or form in the state of Louisiana. However, due to the advancement of technology and of human perspective and innovation, it has come to light that marijuana could actually be of benefit to our society through its medicinal uses in treating a range of conditions and diseases as well as its possible social benefits in helping individuals stray from heavier drugs by acting as a substitute. Now that the wheels of time are turning and that medical marijuana is becoming a budding industry, the question remains: should marijuana be legal all across the United States of America? With the benefits it could bring with its medical, social, and economic uses, marijuana could be a profitable asset to our society if it were to be legalized, and I believe that we should strive for that outcome.
The medical marijuana debate is an interesting one because there’s such a wide diversity of opinions and views that oppose each other. The U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency classifies marijuana as a Schedule 1 drug. They consider these drugs to have no currently accepted medical use and a high potential for abuse and to be some of the most dangerous drugs, because they’re highly addictive and may cause severe psychological or physical dependence. Other Schedule 1 drugs include heroin, LSD, ecstasy and meth. Many who are against marijuana believe the drug is dangerous, harmful and feel it should remain illegal.
Due to recent changes in legalization of Marijuana, the question of it being an addictive substance has come up often. According to Dale Archer, M.D., the vast majority of people that are avid marijuana users show no addictive symptoms, they can take it or leave it (Archer, M.D., 2012). This topic is of great interest as the response to the legalization of marijuana is gaining differing opinions from different generations. Many people assume that marijuana itself is addicting, research shows that the main ingredient THC or Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol is not chemically addictive (Archer, M.D., 2012). There is a line between use and abuse; any substance can be abused, whether it is soda, food, cocaine or other drugs. The question is do the chemicals in
The debate for years \that has divided the question is weather not any good. Many states have legalized medicinal marijuana. The states that have legalized has it helped or has come from its use. What is the purpose? What should the guidelines be? The Medical board and the Government have hopes that in legalizing it, medical marijuana will help those with diseases to be able to cope much easier. However, the determination of which ones that should be allowed to have the okay to be able to use it. Even though some people may argue against medicinal marijuana use and legalization, there are too many reasons why it should be.
Imagine a little kid that goes by the name of billy. Billy has cancer, he just got done with Chemotherapy. He couldn't afford the costly medicine the doctor originally prescribed so the doctor prescribed medical marijuana. Billy felt great after taking the weed for the first few weeks but he then he came down with a terrible infection. His immune system, already lowered because of the chemotherapy could not keep up with the infection because the marijuana damaged the immune system even more. Billy spent the rest of his days on a hospital bed not knowing what he could of done with his life. Is not paying for the expensive medicine worth billy’s life? I don’t think so. Medical marijuana can cause brain damage and other negative effects on
But only 9 percent of marijuana users develop a dependence” (Boffey). Even still, of those 9 percent that develop a dependence, marijuana addiction is dissimilar to that of heroin, alcohol, or nicotine, from which withdrawal is often an extremely painful, physical experience. In addition, the long-held belief that marijuana is a gateway drug has been debunked, and even quietly removed from D.A.R.E’s list of gateway drugs. As far as medical research is concerned, the clear consensus is that marijuana use is less harmful to human health than most other banned drugs. While tobacco causes cancer, and alcohol abuse can lead to cirrhosis, there is no clear causal connection between marijuana use and any deadly diseases. Furthermore, it is less dangerous than highly addictive but legal substances like alcohol and tobacco. Marijuana use cannot, in and of itself, lead to fatal overdoses, and there is little evidence that it causes cancer. Like tobacco and alcohol, public policy concerns support the notion that it should be kept out of the hands of minors. The downsides to marijuana use are less compelling as reasons to foist criminal penalties on its possession, especially not in a society that allows nicotine use and celebrates
Even I must believe that marijuana is very addictive, but research has shown that only about 9% of users are addicted to marijuana use, and other studies show that only one in six of young users are addicted, but 25 to 50% of them are daily users of marijuana. Since it has become readily available it comes in varieties different potencies now. I feel this may contribute to some
In the United States, marijuana legalization is a highly debated topic. Marijuana has many benefits to the body and the community. It can be used medicinally or recreationally and serves a number of purposes. Marijuana has been proven to treat a number of diseases and conditions, causes a decline in deaths due to overdose from opioid pains, and serves a plethora of additional benefits. I strongly feel that sooner rather than later, marijuana should be federally legalized so that citizens can have access to the benefits of this plant.
The use of Medical Marijuana is a widely argued and criticized issue that is at the forefront of issues affecting our community and lives in this day and age. During my search for and against the use and legalization of Marijuana, I have been able to find extensive research which either supports or opposes the belief that Medical Marijuana should be an available option for medical treatment and the recreational use of it. I have committed myself to maintain an open mind while researching both the pro and con on the use of Marijuana, and have concluded that Medical Marijuana should be available for use. As for my opinion on the recreational use of Marijuana I have yet to decide whether it should be legal.
The American Cancer Society states that studies show smoked marijuana can be helpful in the treatment of nausea and vomiting from cancer chemotherapy. Studies also suggests that inhaled marijuana can treat neuropathic pain. Recent studies suggest that THC in marijuana can slow the growth or even cause death in certain types of cancer cells. Marijuana has side effects that can be harmful to people. It can cause increases in heart rate and decrease blood pressure. It may also give “high” feeling that people may dislike. Some patients stated having issues with recent memory after use of marijuana. The American Cancer Society states that the use of medical marijuana for cancer patient requires more research to avoid the side effects. For the treatment
According to a survey by, “92 percent said that medical marijuana alleviated symptoms of their serious medical conditions, including chronic pain, arthritis, migraine, and cancer.” 86 percent of the United States believe that Cannabis has valid medical uses, says states that, “medical marijuana refers to the use of cannabis or marijuana, including constituents of cannabis, THC and other cannabinoids, as a physician-recommended form of medicine or herbal therapy.” Medical marijuana should be legalized, because it can be a safe and effective treatment for a plethora of illnesses.
on the main articles of discussion of marijuana. Contrary to many users’ beliefs, marijuana is an addictive
Imagine you are a mother or father of an epileptic child waking up day after day watching your child suffering with uncontrollable seizures, sometimes over 30 times a day. The physician prescribes more and more medication to help alleviate the seizures to no avail. Or you are a patient suffering from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder where medications only make symptoms worse or does not give and relief. Now visualize a cancer patient undergoing chemotherapy having nausea and nonstop vomiting. The patient is losing weight and has no appetite. The prescriptions given by the physician have no impact on the patient. Wouldn’t you like to have an alternative form of relief? Some patients have found that relief with the use of medical marijuana.
Medical marijuana use for children is controversial. One of the main reasons is because there is not a lot of scientific research. Marijuana is considered a Schedule 1 drug, meaning that although some states have legalized marijuana for medical and recreational use, the transport/distribution of marijuana throughout the states is illegal. Therefore this makes it very difficult to conduct scientific research on the use of CBD for children that suffer from seizure, ADD, ADHD, Cancer, and Leukemia. There is proof that CBD works for children who have seizures, parents that have been using it on their children see significant improvement, but this is not medical research.
The use of medical marijuana has been around for thousands of years. There are numerous patients that we see each day that benefit from the effects of medical marijuana. Unfortunately, where I live it is hard to get ahold of the substance legally and people are forced sometimes to take to the streets and try and obtain it illegally. This is very dangerous as you are never quite sure who you are dealing with and what is in the marijuana that you buy on the streets.