
Argumentative Essay On Peer Pressure

Satisfactory Essays

Peer pressure is always seen with negative outcomes and it’s seen everywhere. From little kids in preschool to teens in high school even adults. Although there is negative peer pressure, there can also be positive peer pressure. How can peer pressure be seen as positive you may ask? Peer pressure is a subtle thing, if you are surrounded with people who have a positive mind set, that are looking out for you, and want to see you do better than in these situations is where you’d see that positive pressure. Rather than when you’re around people who just want to have run and don’t care about having a future is where that negative peer pressure plays a role. High school is where you see more of peer pressure than anywhere else. Positive …show more content…

Positive peer pressure can impact you like I said in positive ways. Like in the study done by Laurence Steinberg in which they show that teens learn more and quicker being surrounded by peers (Paul, 2015). He suggests that why not use this to an advantage, and help to educate teens. Like in the article it stated that research shows, people tend to learn better when they are learning to teach others. She ended with saying that we should teach that peer pressure is a good thing however in a classroom, not in a car. On the other hand however some research says that teens actually have better judgment and make better decision when alone and have time to think rather than when restricted time, and are surrounded by teens (Scholastics, 2008). In the research conducted they had a group of teens play a game which involved driving, what the researchers say was that the teens when around peers actually had reckless driving in comparison to being alone, not taking as many risks. Positive peer pressure may vary actually, let’s start with examples about joining organization, for instance the Beach clean ups where schools from all over go out and pick up the trash that is near the coast. That’s peer pressure which pushes people to help out and keep the beach clean. Another type of peer pressure would be with a friend encouraging improving your health and

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