
Argumentative Essay On Reverse Racism

Satisfactory Essays

FINAL- Argumentative Essay Reverse racism, or racism against a majority of people does indeed exist. It exists mainly through hate and usually in traumatic situations. A boy can grow to be a normal everyday person and feel the same about every person and everything. He doesn’t hate, resent, or even look down upon anybody that is different than him. Then it happens, all of a sudden his family is killed off during a terrorist attack by Muslim extremists. He know hates anybody that supports the religion and causes a terrorist attack at a Muslim church to strike back, they now hate whites. Reverse racism is caused through a certain group of people doing something that makes another mad.
It causes them to grow resentment and if pushed to extreme, can lead to hatred. We see it in our own world today, with America and ISIS. There are a remarkable number of people I myself have ran into, that comment jokes or hate speech against all Muslims. They’ll call them towel heads, or make fun of the suicide bombing effect. It stirs up hate and resentment for both parties and it seems that the U.S. is hated by middle eastern countries in general because of our actions and words spoken to and about them. It is also possible to be racist against a powerful majority. People tend to want, usually what they cannot have.
If someone is in a position of high power, and it would seem that particular ethnic group stays that way, others will become jealous. Take Arabs for example, they run the highest oil producing and distributing market in the entire world. Now of course there are competitors but those competing find it difficult and become frustrated over the countless dollars lost and time wasted as Arabia still rules the oil industry as number one. Now there are masses of people wondering why they still control such a vast amount of oil, with seemingly no effort. They try to wage war, form agreements, and even combine forces to make themselves and the Arabs bigger as one, but with that, it was denied. After all that hard work, all that money and effort and time put into making things happen, they now become angry. So angry that they’re willing to kill for that oil and slaughter anything or anyone that dares to stand in the path

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