
Argumentative Essay On Social Media

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How much of your time is spent on a cell phone or computer daily? What percentage of that time is consumed doing things other than scrolling through your Instagram, twitter, and Facebook feed or snap chatting peers? Seventy three percent of wired teens use social media websites. We live in a society where social media dominates a vast majority of our life. Vanessa Lapointe, through a relatable series of emotional developments, targets teens and families caught up in social media to clearly inform them about the dangers of tech-based social apps, and the vitality of monitoring what we say, do, and like. Our actions, although they may seem immensely minuscule, have large implications. Social media occupies a vast majority of our time. Parents who have children in high school or college are constantly caught saying to their children, “get off your phone, do your work!” I know I can specifically attest to such a statement. Teens feel the need to often prioritize the media over work, exercise, family time, and studies. It is a mode of procrastination. One may state, “Mom, please just let me take a break, Sarah posted a picture and I need to like it or she will be mad.” We live in an era where people are deemed good or bad friends based on liking a peers photo. Social media provides individuals with instant gratification as they see the innumerable amount of like piling up on their home screens instantly after posting pictures. Vannesse agrees with this as she says, “We can’t

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