
Argumentative Essay On Social Media

Decent Essays

As a mother to an exceptionally smart 16 month old girl, I see firsthand how the face of technology and social media has changed the world we live in today. My daughter is so young, and yet I still catch myself resorting to the use of my phone to keep her entertained in public places. She knows how to work my phone without my help. I think as a parent this is our go to move in order to keep our children from throwing temper tantrums and being disruptive. Growing up I was not allowed to get a cell phone or have any sort of social media accounts until I was sixteen years old. Today, I see six and seven year olds with cell phones and internet access. I personally am a firm believer in social media. I think it is a great way to communicate with friends and family in other places, but how much is too much? As millennials, are we raising our own children to have addictive personalities? Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, and Snapchat are some of the most popular social media sites around. These sites allow many to connect and send pictures instantly, but they could also be dangerous if not used safely. “European researchers Andres M. Kaplan and Michael Haenlein identify six categories of social media on the internet: social networking sites, blogs, collaborative projects, content communities, virtual game worlds, and virtual social worlds” (Campbell, Fabos, and Martin 301). The social media footprint of every person is easily traceable. Checking in and posting pictures of

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