Dogs are pets but they are still animals, and animals have instincts and do not always understand what is going on around them the way we do, and sometimes they act out in ways that are inappropriate to us. Biting is one of those acts. Dogs bite for many reasons, but those reasons usually fall into two large categories: aggression and protection. Aggression includes dominance, defense, fear, predatory, pain, punishment, and redirected. Aggression can happen when the dog is confused as to who is the boss, or when startled by a person, or when the dog sees something small move very quickly in its peripheral vision, when a person approaches or touches a dog when it is in pain, or when a person kicks, hits, pulls, yells at, or bites a dog and …show more content…
Pet owners can take their dog to the veterinarian and have a checkup to make sure there are no medical reasons for aggression. They should also work with professional trainers to learn techniques to help deal with their dog’s aggression. Owners should also kennel train a dog, keep it in a fenced yard, hang signs, and always keep the dog on a leash when out in public are all great tips. Spaying or neutering is also another example to help combat aggression, because intact animals are always more likely to be aggressive than those who have been “fixed.” People in their own community should be aware of their surroundings especially with houses with dogs or dogs on the loose. According to the Humane Society of the United States (2010), people should resist the impulse to scream and run away when approached by a loose dog. They should remain motionless, hands at their sides, and avoid eye contact with the dog. Once the dog has lost interest, the person should slowly back away until the dog is out of sight. Should the dog attack, give him your jacket, purse, bicycle, or anything else that you can put between yourself and the dog. If you fall or are knocked to the ground, you should curl into a ball with your hands over your ears and remain motionless. Do not scream or roll around (Preventing a Dog
One reason a dog may become aggressive is their living arrangements. Living indoors compared to living outdoors affects their behavior greatly because a dog who lives indoors tends to have more positive socialization than a dog who lives outdoors (The Star). The most aggressive dog can be a dog who transitions from living indoors and outdoors. Another reason a dog can become aggressive is the amount of positive socialization the dog gets (The Star). Their living arrangements affects this as well, but so does the type of socialization a person gives to the dog.
Incase we’ve forgotten, all dogs are descendants of the wolf. Somewhere along the line we assumed that because the dog has been domesticated that we no longer have anything to fear. This concept, however, isn’t true. All animals act instinctively, they don’t act accordingly to their training. As long as their owners are present they might behave properly but who is to say how they will act when their owner is no longer present. We have to remember that we all have that flight or fight mode and therefore when faced with fear or danger we might not act logically but instead instinctively. The reasons why a pit bull or any animal may attack are to protect, for territory, possession, out of fear, to defend, for social status, frustration, and when in pain (ASPCA, para. 7-13). The dogs’ wild relatives are territorial and they live in certain areas and defend their land from intruders. Anyone willing to enter will face a charging dog. Dogs are a social species and if left alone they would create small packs of family and other dogs. If one of them
Dog parks are places usually in a protective environment where pet owners can take their dogs for exercise and to socialize with other dogs. Some people believe that dog parks are unpleasant.Other people view dog parks as a benefit to a neighborhood.This issue is complicated.I believe dog parks are great.
Pit bulls are not the only breed that bites. This means that any other breed of dog can potentially bite or act violent. You may have seen the statistics for dog bites but many of those charts are unfair and none of them are accurate. It is not possible to calculate a bite rate for a breed [because] mixed breeds are commonly described as purebreds [and] the actual number of bites that occur in a community is not known if they did not result in serious injury. (American Veterinary Medical Association, 1733) Some dog breeds are more patient that others and every dog has a different personality just like people do. Dogs aren’t able to express their feelings using words so if someone like a child or an adult is bothering them, they can only tolerate so much until they snap at you. Any dog would do this if being pushed too much but pit bulls are at a disadvantage because they are much bigger and built stronger so when they attack
Shouldn’t all animals have the right to live? Dogs could receive and give happiness if they were not put down. Animals do not really have a chance to actually live life.Many places simply do not have enough room for all of the animals, so they resort to euthanasia to control the population. There are many dogs and cats that are euthanized only because they take up room.
Many bites could be avoided by the education of dog owner no matter the breed. Like mentioned earlier many people leave their dog with their kids unattended. This is a horrible idea even if your child is good with dogs. Kid often don’t see the warning dogs give until it is too late Also dogs are a very easy target because they can't tell their side of the
Many dogs bite people in self defense the way us humans fight in self defense as well. The dog may bite you because it has been harmed by another human or dog and it is just scared. Most of the time a dog may bite a human is because they are protecting something, for example their babies. They just want to keep them safe like any normal mother or father would do for their kids. Another reason a dog might
There are many views on whether or not servicemen and women should be able to keep the dogs that they trained after their time in the army is up. In my opinion, dogs should be kept after service is over. Even though these dogs really belong to the Marines, their handlers should have a say in what happens to the dog. If the handlers are hurt during war, the dogs could be sent to another serviceman or woman. This needs to change very soon.
Dog fighting is a very cruel thing, and it is happening right under our noses. It is illegal to fight a dog in all fifty states. By being an observer at a dog fight, it is against the law in forty-seven states. So why do people continue this cruel practice? The answer seems to be money. Some people who breed dogs for fighting can sell their puppies for up to two thousand dollars. Even though fighting dogs is making money, it is cruel since pain is inflicted on the dogs; the ASPCA and the Humane Society are trying to prevent this with proper training.
Imagine walking in the door after a long day; your furry loving puppy is sprinting towards you so excited to see you after missing you all day. Your puppy is ready to grab your attention and distract you from the terrible day you’ve had, comforting you in the process. Dogs are great pets because of their comforting nature, playfulness and protective tendencies.
“An unneutered male pit bull is 2.6 times more likely to bite then a neutered male. In addition, male pit bulls are 6.2 times more likely to bite then female pit bills.” In a study evaluating canine temperament, 82% of dogs received a passing score, 86.8% of those dogs where American pit bull terrier ( Feb. 2012). There are ways to avoid incidents when in contact with these animals. When approached by a pit bull always remain calm, approach the dog slowly from the side not from the back. Do not provoke the dog - always ask the owners to pet the dog first. If an aggressive dog approaches you do not panic, give the dog firm commands like sit, stay, and easy, then back away slowly. When owning a pit bull socialize the dog with people and other animals, get them familiar with animals and people including children. Isolated dogs can become vicious and dangerous so be cautious when in contact with a not so friendly dog. (Skloot, R Aug 2007 Prevention Vol.59, Issue 8 Pgs. 196-198)
One of the most debated arguments to this day would have to be that cats are better than dogs. Did you know that more people own cats than dogs? In the US, 95.6 Million people own cats compared to the 83.3 million who own dogs. This speech will state why cats are smarter, cleaner, easier to look after and are also beneficial for your health, such as lowering your blood pressure and lowering your cholesterol.
Many pet owners perceive to say that having a pet is the best thing in the whole world. In the United States, about 63% of households have a furry friend to call their own. They come in many different colors and sizes that make them unique and fun to play with. However, owning a pet anywhere can be very controversial. Some people think that owning a pet can throw away most their money that they earn on a day to day basis. Even if that might be true, pets can also benefit people in many ways that is worth spending a little extra money. In my opinion, I think that everyone should have a pet of their own because they can improve health, can provide entertainment, and create a special friendship or companionship with its owner. (6)
This grab is strong and hard. There is always a large possibility that the suspect/criminal can/will be bitten if they attempt to fight off the dog but when thinking about it even the dog “gripping” onto the suspect will inflict a bite. They would not be able to hold the suspect as well if they did not apply pressure into their grip. Before any dog has to be turned loose, they try to intimidate the person first by giving them a warning that if they start to run, the dog will be released and will chase after them. A barking tactic is also used to scare the person into not running away. Even in a case where the officer and dog seem to have the upper hand, there are many situations where the tables can be completely turned. Both the officer and the dog are trained to work together as a team. They must be able to fully trust and understand one another especially when they are placed in extremely dangerous and stressful situations. It is the responsibility of the officer the dog is being handled by to only use the dog when the situation absolutely calls for it. Any other way would be very inappropriate and would be a terrible miss use of the animal. Not being responsible could also put the dog in more of harm’s way which can take a definite turn for the worst.
So, now you have an arsenal of the most important tools to keep your dog from becoming aggressive and attacking other people and other dogs. Getting attacked by a dog is a really scary event because their bites can cause serious injuries or death. It is important to always protect yourself by carrying a dog repellent spray on your keychain for when an unexpected event happens.