
Argumentative Essay On Why Dogs Are Pets

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Dogs are pets but they are still animals, and animals have instincts and do not always understand what is going on around them the way we do, and sometimes they act out in ways that are inappropriate to us. Biting is one of those acts. Dogs bite for many reasons, but those reasons usually fall into two large categories: aggression and protection. Aggression includes dominance, defense, fear, predatory, pain, punishment, and redirected. Aggression can happen when the dog is confused as to who is the boss, or when startled by a person, or when the dog sees something small move very quickly in its peripheral vision, when a person approaches or touches a dog when it is in pain, or when a person kicks, hits, pulls, yells at, or bites a dog and …show more content…

Pet owners can take their dog to the veterinarian and have a checkup to make sure there are no medical reasons for aggression. They should also work with professional trainers to learn techniques to help deal with their dog’s aggression. Owners should also kennel train a dog, keep it in a fenced yard, hang signs, and always keep the dog on a leash when out in public are all great tips. Spaying or neutering is also another example to help combat aggression, because intact animals are always more likely to be aggressive than those who have been “fixed.” People in their own community should be aware of their surroundings especially with houses with dogs or dogs on the loose. According to the Humane Society of the United States (2010), people should resist the impulse to scream and run away when approached by a loose dog. They should remain motionless, hands at their sides, and avoid eye contact with the dog. Once the dog has lost interest, the person should slowly back away until the dog is out of sight. Should the dog attack, give him your jacket, purse, bicycle, or anything else that you can put between yourself and the dog. If you fall or are knocked to the ground, you should curl into a ball with your hands over your ears and remain motionless. Do not scream or roll around (Preventing a Dog

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