
Argumentative Essay: Why Cats Are Better Than Dogs

Decent Essays

One of the most debated arguments to this day would have to be that cats are better than dogs. Did you know that more people own cats than dogs? In the US, 95.6 Million people own cats compared to the 83.3 million who own dogs. This speech will state why cats are smarter, cleaner, easier to look after and are also beneficial for your health, such as lowering your blood pressure and lowering your cholesterol. Firstly, cats are definitely smarter than dogs. Do you see dogs opening doors, windows, and cupboards to sneak out and get food? Cats' brains account for about 0.9 percent of their body mass, whereas dogs' brains make up 1.2 percent of their body mass. But some scientists argue that brain size isn't the key to intelligence. Within the …show more content…

Some reasons being that they serve as a social support during difficult times, such as the loss of a loved one. Cats have been shown to help people get over their loss more quickly and relieve physical symptoms of pain, such as crying. Some examples of these are: - A 10-year study from the University of Minnesota found that the reduced stress that comes with owning a cat reduces the likeliness of a heart attack by up to 40%. - Canadian scientists believe that owning a cat can help lower levels of a chemical compound called triglyceride, which causes high cholesterol. - Cats purr within a range of 20 - 140 Hertz, which is known to be medically therapeutic for some illnesses. Purring has been known to lower stress, decrease the symptoms of dyspnoea, and help in the healing of bones and soft tissue as well as lower blood pressure. - Children who live with cats from an early age may well develop an immunity to asthma. A study found that some children develop special antibodies when exposed to cats, preventing them from developing the disease. - While researchers aren’t sure why, cat owners are less likely to have a stroke than those who don’t own one. When you consider that cats lower stress, blood pressure and cholesterol, it’s easy to see why we’re less prone to

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