
Argumentative Essay On Women And Women

Better Essays

Virginia Woolf’s A Room of One’s Own argues that women need a space of their own to be able to create, “All women need to create fiction is money and a room of one’s own” (Woolf). Now while this may not be seen in the literal sense today, her underlying argument is still prevalent in modern day society. Women in today’s society need a space to voice their opinions and connect with other women. The internet offers a space for women to do just that. Through the internet, women are given a platform where they can write, learn, and connect with other women on issues that are important to them. Even though the internet gives women a great platform to share their voice, there are some parts of the internet where women will still face backlash for doing so. Women have a partial “Room of One’s Own” in blogs and women run websites but are still faced with issues when voicing their opinions on popularized social media. Our Bodies, Ourselves started out as a group of women in the early 1970s who came together to create content for women having to deal with issues of women’s health and the idea of taking owner ship of one’s body (Our Bodies, Ourselves). The book Our Bodies, Ourselves became widely popular and was translated in to over 30 languages in order to reach out to women on a global level (Our Bodies, Ourselves). In 1998 the first Our Bodies, Ourselves website was launched (Our Bodies, Ourselves). By 2016 this website would reach to almost 500,000 visitors every month (Our

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