
Argumentative Essay: Should The Driving Age Be Raised?

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There are more teen deaths every year from driving than deaths from 9/11. That scares people and makes people want to know how to make these teens safer. The driving age needs to be changed for the better of the teens and this will cut their deaths. This would also save money for the country and parents. Though people do disagree with this it is mostly people who do not understand the whole concern and tragedy behind the driving age. Although teenagers and kids need a mode of transportation, the driving age should be raised because teens need to train and practice more, there are many distractions in the car such as phones, and young adults are very immature and sometimes hormones cloud their vision. One thing that changing the age would do …show more content…

Kids are always on their phones while driving in a matter of texting, calling, social media, or plain out playing games. At 16 or 17 there are many distractions in the car from cell phones, music, food, and passengers making driving risky. The best distraction out of all of them is the cell phone 4.Kids take their eyes of for one second bad thing may and will happen whether it's being caught by a cop or getting in an accident. 300,000 motor vehicle crashes happen to teens because of distraction such as cell phone 5. Out of those 300,000 crashes 3,092 deaths happen from distracted driving 7. Many kids do not realize how much of their lives they spend on their electronic devices. Though it is not believed to take the phones away while driving people should be on them less. Also, Transportation secretary Ray Hood stated on Dec, 21 2011,” Texting and hand held cellphones used while driving are dangerous distractions, but he does not support full ban on them 7. People have even admitted that they do use their phones while driving. Half of all drivers 21 to 24 admitted to using their phones while driving 7. Many states though have banned it and it is not a complete bad idea it would stop more motor vehicle crashes. 35 states plus the District of Columbia ban texting while driving 7. Even presidents have agreed with that phones are great distractions. For example, Barack Obama, a former president of the United States, said,” Text messaging causes driver to take their eyes of the road and at least one hand of the steering wheel endangering both themselves and others 7.” To conclude, there are many distractions while driving and one of them is cell phone

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