
Argumentative Essay: The Banning Of Books In Schools

Decent Essays

Book Banning Majority of the schools in the United States do not use books for their work, instead they use technology devices. According to the American Library Association (ALA), there were at least 311 books that were challenged in schools in 2014. During that time, the ALA estimated that 70 to 80 percent are never reported. Books are very resourceful and they should not be banned, instead digital technology should be reduce because of it’s open access of the internet and it’s unprotected sites. Secretive student in school are able to access anything otherwise from school work such as movies, inappropriate contents, etc. According to The New York Times, an English teacher at Troy High School in Fullerton,California said, “I’m an entertainer. I have to do a song and dance to capture their attention.”(Richtell,1) They also stated that many teachers believe that students’ constant use of digital technology is blocking their attention and ability to keep on their task. If students are distracted, then they may miss an important topic. This can result in the student failing this subject/class. A certain teacher would not …show more content…

According to Education State University, computers, tablets and other school digital technologies needs electricity for it too work. This proves that if there were to be a power outage, there would be no school work done because the digital technology devices would not be able to connect to the internet which is only possible if there is electricity. According to, students that attended Graves County Schools was sent back to their home because of a power outage that occurred at 5 in the morning. The result of a power outage is the reason to why schools cannot solely depend on technology. Therefore, technological devices are distractions and they cannot be preserved without

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