
Argumentative Essay: The Michael Brown Case In Missouri

Decent Essays

Are there really unseen and undocumented rules for prosecuting certain races? The report that surfaced form the Michael Brown case in Missouri was astonishing to some, but not to the residents of the Ferguson community. Michael Brown was an 18 year old high school black male student killed by former Ferguson Missouri police officer Darren Wilson, a white police officer. The issue seems simple until you pull back the covers and really examine what happened in the case. To begin, it is in dispute if Mike Brown stole some items from a store. It is also a dispute if he tried to take a gun from Officer Wilson. It is not in dispute that Mike Brown fled. According to the Missouri Law Review, volume 42, Issue 3 from the Summer of 1977 in article …show more content…

Wilson case. Protests ensued and media from almost every network worldwide converged onto St. Louis Missouri highlighting how the cycles of violence against certain races are still prevalent and moderately rampant. When reports are compiled, the average person expects to see some disparities because depending what races live in certain areas, then of course you are going to have a higher rate of incarceration depending on who is living in that area. If you live in any area, eventually you will have some interaction with police whether you are a white or black person. However, this report states that police intentionally interact with black residents more, over 60 percent more. That statistic points to intentional stops and harassment by police or as the article states “profit from poverty by extracting money from residents for minor infractions such as moving violations, occupancy permit violations, business permit violations and code violations. It’s a system built on a history of racial discrimination, one that supports far too many towns and the public officials who work for them considering the size of the county, and one that makes the survival of some of those towns contingent on issuing an extraordinary number of citations, arrest warrants and

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