
Argumentative : Social Media And The Killer?

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Social Media the Killer In today’s world, social media is expanding enormously. Social media has done leaps for today’s culture and is bringing people together every day. Social media has transformed the game of dating forever. By a press of a couple buttons you can buy an outfit you saw on your friends Instagram post. Social media has assisted the everyday life drastically, and continues to improve. Earlier whenever we wanted to contact our friends and relations the only option was to give a call to know about their location. However today we have come much closer than earlier. We know the person’s day to day life through the status but through the social media, we cannot make out the emotions that are involved. Instead of making a phone call we prefer chatting with the person online through Facebook chat and Twitter we feel more comfortable than the traditional phone calls. Even the important conversations are made through email and chat instead of personal meetings. This makes it where difficult to provide feelings when feelings are needed. People have mixed options on this matter, some people feel like it hinders others social skills and the ability to converse with people in their life. Social media is also affecting the way school is taught because of the distraction it is causing in the classroom. Just about half of classes on campus do not allow technology exactly for that reason. Technology has evolved right before our eyes over the past 20 years. My parents

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