
Argumentative Speech On Fashion

Good Essays

My morning doesn’t feel like the old times, it is so different compared to when I was younger. For instance, when I run into my classmates or friends while going to school the first thing they notice is what I wear and not the usual greetings like ‘Hey!’, ‘Good morning.’ In this generation, what I wear matters the most. If people see me wear clothes with expensive brands imprinted on it they think I’m trendy and I look good.
Fashion is not something new. It has been changing like how the world is changing. It is defined as a popular style or a practice that is projected in what we wear, our footwear, accessories, body, make-up, and even in other inanimate objects like the furniture. Fashion is more than what it seems, it promotes creativity, freedom of expression and can make you feel beautiful. However, people see the positive effects of fashion they tend to neglect the negative outcomes of it. We propose that, fashion today causes more …show more content…

Fashion gives lot of negative effects to our society, especially to people. The fashion industry gives the wrong concept and thoughts about fashion to people in several ways. Fashion brings happiness at the same time it brings satisfaction but in the long run it causes people to become addicted to it. Fashion is very influential and you may be influenced by it without knowing it because it is everywhere from magazines to televisions even on the internet. The effect of fashion causes you mental diseases, wrong concepts, wrong definition, wrong thoughts, bullying and low self-esteem. Fashion industry is now leading our society to a wrong direction, giving those young people a future that is filled with competition and lies. People are scared to face the truth and our always running away from it. We can conclude that fashion is giving a lot of negative effects and it is very influential in a bad way to our

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