
Arguments Against Animal Euthanasia

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You hear about animal euthanasia on the news, but is it really as bad as it sounds? Animal Euthanasia is humanely killing an animal. Some reasons for euthanasia are being unable to support the pet, putting the pet out of its misery from an illness or disease that may be especially painful, and getting rid of unwanted pets because of their behavior. These methods for euthanasia are supposed to cause minimal pain and distress. Euthanasia is different from animal slaughter and pest control, which are performed for purposes other than an act of mercy, although in some cases the procedure is the same. In domesticated animals, this process is commonly referred to by sayings such as "put down", "put to sleep", or "put out of his/her/its misery". …show more content…

The animals are placed in sealed chambers where high levels of anesthetic gas are introduced. Death may also be caused using carbon dioxide once unconsciousness has been achieved by inhaled gas. Carbon dioxide is often used on its own for euthanasia of wild animals. There are mixed opinions on whether it causes distress when used on its own, with human experiments lending support to the evidence that it can cause distress in humans and animals. In 2013, the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) issued new guidelines for carbon dioxide induction, stating that a flow rate of 10 percent to 30 percent volume/min is optimal for the humane euthanization of small rodents. Carbon monoxide is often used, but some states in the US have banned its use in animal shelters: although carbon monoxide poisoning is not usually painful, the conditions in the gas chamber are often not humane. Nitrogen has been shown to be effective, although some young animals are rather resistant and it currently is not widely used, as prolonging their death would be even more inhumane. However, cervical dislocation, or the dislocation of the neck, is a simple and common physical method of killing small animals such as mice, rodents, and rabbits. Performed properly, it causes instant death, and it requires no equipment other than a pair of gloves for protection while handling the animal. The only …show more content…

aggression, old age and deterioration, leading to loss of major bodily functions, resulting in severe impairment of the quality of life, lack of home or caretaker. Euthanasia is also a popular thing to do with research testing. Animals may be euthanized in order to be dissected, to prevent suffering after testing, to prevent the spread of disease, or for other reasons. Small animal euthanasia is typically performed in a veterinary clinic or hospital or in an animal shelter and is usually carried out by a veterinarian or a veterinary technician. People who work at animal shelters are also trained to perform euthanasia on an animal, as well. Some veterinarians will perform euthanasia at the pet owner's home. In the event of having to euthanize a large animal, this is almost always the case. Some euthanasia occur at the site of the accident that is making them suffer tremendously, such as killing a horse at a racetrack after injuring itself. Some animal rights organizations support animal euthanasia in certain circumstances and practice euthanasia at shelters that they

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