Breastfeeding in public has become a problem today. I’ve heard many arguments of for and against breastfeeding. I see many arguments that are against women breastfeeding in public. I am against breastfeeding in public. All the talk about breastfeeding in public has become more relevant to today’s society because people have admitted to being uncomfortable with public breastfeeding. Women say that people are “shaming” them, but really people are wanting respect from the women who make us feel uncomfortable. I agree that breastfeeding is a very natural thing in child birth, but I do not want to see another woman breastfeeding while I am eating dinner or going for a jog in the park. I believe that breastfeeding should be done behind closed …show more content…
Mothers who breastfeed make society out to be monsters who don’t want their child to be fed but really, we are just very uncomfortable with it. I would not want to explain to my child at the dinner table why that woman is showing her body parts. Another pet peeve of mine is that mothers get upset when you stare and whisper about them while they are breastfeeding. Yes, we are obviously going to stare because you have your breasts out trying to feed your child in the middle of a crowded restaurant. I don’t see how women do it because I would be very embarrassed. Most moms argue that public nudity is shown across Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, and Instagram yet they can’t breastfeed in public. I am here to say that many people who are against breastfeeding in public are not condoning those types of things on social media. Of course, we cannot control what goes on social media but we can control what is shown in public. I am sure that everyone is familiar with the “No shoes, no shirt, no service” rule that many gas stations, restaurants, etc. have. Why can we not treat breastfeeding in public the same way? No one wants to see another female’s body parts out in public. It makes me uncomfortable just thinking about
In the world of supermodels and Kardashians, one thing the world is definitely lacking is modesty. It’s hard to even go out into the city without seeing a scantily clad woman on a billboard. There seems to be no problem with nudity in the public places, and yet if a breastfeeding mother sits down to feed her child, it’s immodest and should be done in a separate room. The controversy surrounding breastfeeding is one consisting of hypocrisy and childishness. Breastfeeding is a natural part of life, and yet women are expected to take their child into the bathroom to feed them even though they would not normally eat in the bathroom themselves. This is an opinion that needs to be changed, whether that change is met with opposition or not.
Breastfeeding has sometimes been viewed as a disturbing public exposure by a lot of people. Most of them chose to ignore the benefits of breastfeeding your child. The article of Lisa Flam is an example of what people think about breastfeeding. It discusses a picture of a young African woman nurturing her child in front of everyone during a graduation ceremony. Despite the fact that people think is wrong to breastfeed your child in public, it is legal in 49 states in the United States. Another perspective of looking at this article is the empowerment of encouraging African women to breastfeed their children because they are the groups that breastfeed their children the least in the United States.
This is because people think breasts are just a sexual organ, but however, they are an erogenous area. It just makes a lot of people uncomfortable and that is why there is a need to have more people breastfeeding in public. If a mother is sitting in the middle of the park and is breasting her child, she is given a disgusting look. This needs to stop as people need to see it more and then it would not be such a big deal. Some people feel that breastfeeding in public is socially awkward. Children might ask inappropriate questions about what the mother is doing, and the baby might make loud sucking noises that can make others
Breastfeeding is a healthy, natural ability of every woman, and should therefore be socially acceptable and supported by everyone. For some reason this is not the case in our society, in fact breastfeeding continues to be a controversial issue that must be addressed by women’s rights activist groups. Breastfeeding is a feminist issue because the natural act has been medicalized and devalued by major companies because of their interests in profits in bottle feeding. According to Penny Van Esterik a coordinator in the World Alliance for Breastfeeding Action (WABA), women should never have to choose between their duties as a mother and their duties as a responsible, hard working employee. Our society pressures, exploits and oppresses women
As I indicated earlier, women have been victimized for breastfeeding in public places. They have, therefore, been forced to resort to an alternative way of feeding their infants because the public would not have it. It has become harder for women to breastfeed although history has shown it that is something that has been practiced for a long time. On one hand, women want to be allowed to breastfeed whenever the child is hungry no matter the place; whereas, the public is not very accepting of this public display of care and affection between mother and infant. The medical community has indicated that it is important to breastfeed while the public wants the women not to do it where they can see it. They argue that exposing of the breasts is
There are some negatively surrounded to breastfeeding too, but most of it from individual’s point-of-views. One of the major issue women feel about breastfeeding is that it makes other people feel uncomfortable in the surrounding area.
Breastfeeding in public is very hot in the media right now. Mothers everywhere are being shamed for feeding their babies in public even though it is what's best for the mothers and the babies. “Breast milk contains antibodies that protect infants from bacteria and viruses. Breastfed children have fewer ear, respiratory…” (Legislatures). Instead of verbally abusing the women who breastfeed in public other ladies need to support the new mothers by knowing what the law states about breastfeeding in public and protecting the mother’s rights.
I agree that breast-feeding is the best choice. I liked that you concluded some myths that are associated with breast-feeding. I would never want a mother to feel that she should have to hide herself and her baby to breast-feed while they are out in public. I think that society is becoming more aware as to the great health benefits of breast feeding towards mother and baby and that is allowing for more acceptance. Now there are places in the work place specifically designed for working mothers to pump.
What could possibly be wrong about a mother nourishing her child? Absolutely nothing. Many people view a woman's breasts as sexual items. The main purpose of breasts Is to breastfeed a child after birth. I came across The Milk Truck while back. The Milk Truck is there “to create a mobile breastfeeding unit that allows mothers to feed their babies in places where they have been discouraged - restaurants, shopping malls, public spaces, etc. Babies should be able to eat anywhere, and everywhere". I am absolutely for breastfeeding in public.
"How dare you breastfeed in public?", they say. I quickly wanted to shoot back "How dare you suggest my child eat in the restroom!" There are many scenarios is the news where a breastfeeding woman has been asked to leave an establishment for breastfeeding. No one should be forced to nurse (or breastfeed) in a restroom, in there car, or even feel the need to stay home. So long as a woman makes a concerted effort not to bare all, why can't we nurse in public? Society has ruined many mother and child pairs chance at healthy nursing relationship. Mothers feel pressured to only breastfeed at home to save themselves from public ridicule. Many of them as resorted to supplementing with
Public pressure has urged health departments to recognize the significance of breastfeeding and encourage mothers to do so. There are now laws in place to protect the rights of a breastfeeding mother when feeding her child in public. A baby's need to eat cannot be determined by a set schedule. There are laws that make public breastfeeding legal and prohibit companies from banning it in the workplace.
However, some people think of breastfeeding as Nudity. Breasts are viewed as sexual items rather than a natural way of providing nutrients and comfort for a child. Anxiety about breastfeeding in front of other people affects breastfeeding for women with low self-confidence or who feel society disapproves of breastfeeding in public. They start to feel uncomfortable. Women should be able to have rights to legally breastfeed their babies in public. Mothers report that that they felt more comfortable breastfeeding in a park than a shopping mall. In some cases, women are asked to leave the premise due to them breastfeeding. Parents do not want to explain to their children about breastfeeding. So, they label breastfeeding in public indecent. Parents who are concerned about their children asking questions should just explain to them. This will help people understand the benefits of breastfeeding.
I read a statement about how people react to breastfeeding in public, most people react in a negative way, when the mother is breastfeeding her infant in public , and how a woman gets harassed for doing what is the most normal and healthy way to feed your infant.
Negative attitudes towards breastfeeding can cause a women to not breastfeed. When it comes to public places most employees will discourage breastfeeding and ask the women to go somewhere more secluded.
According to The Equal Opportunity Act and the US Department of Labor, a mother should be able to breastfeed her child in public and in her place of work. Even when it is a protected right, public perception varies on the delicate issue of whether or not a nursing mother should meet the necessities of her child in a public place. If babies have the right to eat and people do not complain or judge when a baby is being bottle-fed in public, then mothers who choose to breast feed should have the same right. Many people are not well informed of the all the benefits that breastfeeding offers the child, mother, and, even the public.