
Aristotle And Plato 's Philosophy

Good Essays

Professor Armstrong
5 October 2015

Aristotle and Plato are famous for their many works in the philosophical field. Specifically, the Republic by Plato and Nicomachean Ethics by Aristotle seem to be their most popular works. In these works they discuss things that are needed to achieve the “good life” both on an individual level and on a societal level. There is some variance between what the two philosophers think can create the “good life.” They explore the concepts of eudaimonia, virtue, and soul with the same end result of happiness for all. Through analysis of each philosophers work, we can see that both Plato’s definition of the “good life” and his method to achieve it is far superior to Aristotle’s. Furthermore, this concept of the “good life” is best supported through democratic form of government. Eudaimonia is a Greek word commonly translated as happiness. It consists of the words eu (good) and daimon (spirit). It is a central concept of both Aristotle’s and Plato’s works. In their works eudaimonia was a term that referred to the highest moral good. Therefore, eudaimonia is the central focus of practical philosophy. Both Aristotle and Plato explore the concept of eudaimonia by theorizing what it really is and how it can be achieved on an individual level and on a larger, societal scale. Both Aristotle and Plato have their own distinct definitions of what eudaimonia consists of. Plato has a three-part definition. eudaimonia, to him, is living in

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