
Aristotle Research Paper

Decent Essays

Aristotle had a great contribution to Ancient Greek philosophy. This philosopher had tremendous intellect about the world and life itself. Without his contributions within science and life, who would know where our world would be today?

Aristotle was born in the small city of Stagira, city-state of Macedonia, in Ancient Greece in 384 BC. That is nearly 2,400 years ago. At the age of 10, Aristotle’s father died in 376 BC. Proxenus of Atarneus, a relative to Aristotle, became his guardian until he came 18 years of age. He then moved to Athens where he pursued an substantial education at the age of 17. There, he enrolled in Plato’s Academy where he remained for nearly 20 years influenced by Plato himself.

After 20 years in Plato’s academy, Aristotle decided to go on with his own life of traveling Greece. He decided to become involved with teaching also. When he ended up in the small city of Assus, he carried on scientific research specifically based around marine biology and …show more content…

Alexander was a student of his from the ages of 13-16. When Aristotle returned to Athens for good, he founded his own school called Lyceum. Aristotle not only studied almost every subject possible at the time, but made significant contributions to most of them. He later died in 322 BC in Euboea, Greece from digestive organ failure.

Aristotle had many contributions to science. He belived that knowledge could be obtained through interacting with physical objects. His research included lots of biology. He attempted to classify animals into subfamily based on their similar traits. He classified animals into species based on ones with red blood cells and ones that did not. The animals with red blood were mostly vertebrates, while the “bloodless” animals were marked cephalopods. Aristotle’s classification was recognized as the standard system for hundreds of

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