
Art Center Observation Paper

Decent Essays

a. The teachers have pictures of the children in multiple places in the classroom. I have found them on the door when they first walk in the classroom, on their cubbies where they keep their coats/book bags, next to some of the children’s art work, and on the classroom “Family Tree.”
b. The teachers value the work of the children because they display it proudly. There are at least 5 different projects hanging up that the children completed. They have recently run out of space to hang things, so they allowed the children to pick the projects they wanted to take home to put the new projects up (or they could take the new ones home). They have their art work, and projects they did as a class for the topic of the week. More 3 dimensional art work …show more content…

The different centers in the classroom communicate the interest of the children in the classroom. The sensory contained hundreds of caps and lids to various different containers. The art center always appeals to the kids. Many of them like to paint, make collages, and play with slime or playdough. These materials are only available one at a time, but each day is a different activity. The puzzle/table toy center is very popular with a few of the children that love to build with the different table toys that are in the classroom. Usually the children have to option to choose what toys/materials they get to play …show more content…

The classroom environment promotes relationship building among the children because there are two chairs that allow the teachers to sit comfortably but still be on the children’s level. This encourages the relationships to be built with the teachers because the children can come and talk to the teachers and the teacher can easily hear/see them. The children are also able to give the teachers hugs at this level. This is evidence that relationships have been formed because I have observed the children doing the things mentioned above. The environment lacks in the promotion building of relationships between teachers and parents because there are not many pieces of furniture that is comfortable for adults. They are welcome to stay and play with their child, but they have to stand, kneel on the floor, or sit in the child sized furniture. To help promote this is may be beneficial to have more than just 3 adult sized chairs in the classroom. There is a comfy couch and a chair in the library for the children, but they are not big enough for adults. There is a cuddle corner in the classroom that the children can go to when they are upset. There is also a cubby for each child to play their work to take home to share with their

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