
Art : The Influence Of Art

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Art has played an important role in the history of the world as well as it has been one of the most important elements of life. When food and water are very important for our physical bodies to keep on working, art is the element that feeds our souls. Art can affect our emotions; sad, happy, calm, excited and more, as well as it adds more color into life. It helps delivering imagination, point of view and desire of the artist to the audience visually. Art has so many forms such as painting, drawing, sculpture, crafting, photography, performance art and more, but it does not matter where the artist comes from or what his point of view is, art is his tool that is used to transfer his dream, his feeling about everything in life into his paintings or sculptures. Among hundreds of topics, unclothed body is one of the greatest topic that inspires artists of all time. The Olympia by Manet was one of the most popular nude figure paintings. Olympia ,was hung in 1865, gave its viewers the most uneasy feelings. On the painting, there is a nude woman lying on a bed with a black ribbon around her neck, gold bracelet on her wrist, a flower on her hair and an expensive slipper on her feet. Especially, there is a dark shadow between her hand and her genitals which obviously describing her identity as a prostitute. Also, there are a cat , that is arching it's back, and a black maid, who is holding the flowers at the foot of the bed, on the painting but both of them we ignored by the young

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