
Art Therapy

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Art therapy includes diverse components, such as artistic activity, relationship between client and therapist, and emotionally safe space, which assist clients in growing internally and influences their inner world in many ways. In a single art therapy session, the artistic activity might be the fundamental tenet that is most influential. For those who are hospitalized and have emotional distress, creating art can be a mood regulation strategy that helps patients to better deal with the stressful life event. Research on the mood regulation effect of art-making has been conducted with experimental study design comparing the other forms of expressive activities or non-artistic activities. Art-making activities, including coloring mandalas and …show more content…

Expressing feelings using drawing materials also elevates general mood states (De Petrillo & Winner, 2005). Artistic activities are more effective in mood improvement than other expressive activities such as writing thereby improving moods (Drake, Coleman, & Winner, 2011) and verbal interaction with peers (Sandmire, Gorham, Rankin, & Grimm, 2012) by promoting a playful environment. Social interaction could increase anxiety by allowing individuals to focus on stressful events; however, artistic activities facilitate a distraction from the source of negative feelings by creating an environment to mentally escape from reality (Sandmire, Gorham, Rankin, & Grimm, 2012). Although appreciating art are commonly considered to be a relaxing activity, creating art is more effective in decreasing levels of anxiety and stress than viewing and sorting artwork for non-clinical population (Bell & Robbins, 2007) and for adults with substance abuse (Laurer & van der Vennet, 2015). Non-expressive art activities, such as copying …show more content…

The studies show that an artistic activity has the potential to improve one’s negative mood state by distracting thoughts and feelings, including anxiety, anger, and sadness, and diverting attention to positive feelings rather than by venting negative feelings. Drawing has a general mood-enhancing effect regardless of the drawing theme; however, expressing happiness, which is positive distraction, brings a significant improvement in mood states compared to venting through art and non-expressive artistic activities (Smolarski, Leone, & Robbins, 2015). Individuals with negative moods can be distracted, when they focus on positive aspects while creating art (Drake & Winner, 2012; Smolarski, Leone, & Robbins, 2015). Cognitive focus during art creation rather than the artistic medium affects anxiety levels (Curl, 2008). Venting through art can cause rumination on the experience that brings negative feelings and increases a level of anxiety. In contrast, the positive cognitive focus while producing art distracts from current negative feelings and diverts the artist’s attention from negative emotions (Curl, 2008; Dalebroux, Goldstein, & Winner, 2008). Creative art under the positive distraction and neutral distraction conditions eliminate anger by offering an attractive activity and grabbing attention whereas venting through art does not improve

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