Overall, the Articulated Learning Statements served as an academic guide to acknowledge, recognise and reflect on our understanding of the learning acquired throughout the course.
For instance, the first concept learnt was the importance of “community engagement”. This involved recognising that a community relies on the interdependence of transport, health, education and other facilities, for its full functionality. In order to identify the community, it was necessary to use vital statistics, such as birth rates, death rates, population density and life expectancy; thus requiring the interpretation of maps, charts and graphs, to recognise a community’s needs and wants. Further lessons involved developing an understanding of the main goals of the community: instrumental, capacity building and democratic. As well as this, we defined what a “healthy city” was and were introduced to two models: The Social Determinants of Health model by Dahlgren and Whitehead and the IAP2 Public Participation Spectrum.
Despite the learning itself, a variety of methods transpired the learning, including practical activities, class discussions, individual reflections, site visits and guest speakers. For example, the relevance of community engagement was thoroughly addressed by guest speakers, including Gwen Folley,
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Thus, the community we live in is understood, then it is easy to actively contribute and develop empathy for its function and purpose in our lives. More specifically, various group discussions and class discussions confirm that the community is highly dynamic and can be observed in a variety of perspectives, as shown by the differences and commonalities in our responses. This explains the complex consultation processes communities require, as the majority of perspectives, backgrounds and opinions need to be taken into
Community health identifies common needs in the community and provides solutions for modifying behaviors for community members. According to Stanhope and Lancaster (2008, p. 347) the term community health is “the meeting of collective needs by identifying problems and managing behaviors within the community itself and between the community and the larger society.” According to Stanhope and Lancaster (2008) community health involves biological, emotional, and social aspects. The biological aspects are measured in terms of “ morbidity and mortality rates, life expectancy indexes, and risk factor profiles” (Stanhope & Lancaster, 3008, p. 345). Emotional aspects are measured in terms of mental health, while crime rates and levels of function define the social aspects (Stanhope & Lancaster, 2008). Community structure is defined in terms of services and resources available to the members,
The community I decided to research and compose this paper is one from which I live, Kent County Michigan. I gathered data from several different resources such as the Kent County Health Department and Michigan Department of Community Health in order to create a community assessment. The data I collected can be broken down into four different assessment pieces.
1. In your own words summarise the major learning points from the whole of the study programme with particular reference to:
Community development is used to promote health education because the problems can be directly targeted and hit. Community development is used to target issues such as environment issues, housing, crime, pollution, support and isolation. By improving these issues you can improve the health issues that have become a consequence, Such as smoking, alcohol, drugs, stress, exercise and crime. See diagram
These days’ different organisations are involved and are influencing the system when dealing with social problems. Firstly, the citizen’s individual’s participation to improve the wellbeing of the community. Secondly, the community they may represent the interest of a group, organisation and / or individuals. Lastly, the government they have the responsibility for legislation, social and economic planning, public policy and program, safety and protection of community members, etc. Government agencies invest and deliver services for the community such as: education and employment opportunities; secure, sustainable housing and infrastructure; and good health and wellbeing across the life course. These diverse services are provided to people across their life span and include: community development; early intervention services; advice and information; crisis support; and ongoing services. (How government works, 2016)
Therefore, community members must understand the impact of their actions and strategically be involved with certain aspects of society that will improve mankind as a
Wilkinson draws on the importance and value of community through ideas of communitarianism and individualism and impacts public health to prove that community doesn’t help with resource allocation in health. He defines community as a group of individuals who recognise their membership and identify with each other in some way, for example ethnically or religiously. He explains how individuals can be members of a variety of communities, which shows how complex issues involving community are and how it rarely values health resource allocation.
One way I am attaining knowledge is by means of being involved with my community. My experience as a student advisory representative has kept me informed on the issues affecting my fellow students. I believe it is important to have open, respectful communication in order for work to get done and am eager to hear different perspectives and work together to brainstorm solutions. This practice will be of benefit to
To engage ourselves in learning is to bring ourselves closer to understanding the world around us. I come from a background which encouraged learning not simply for a test or competition, but for the expansion of the proliferating mind. Learning without engagement is fruitless because it lacks the spark of curiosity required for any hope of tangible academic progression and helping the society around us. Through making learning engaging through discourse, I believe my potential contribution to the Trinity community is a rare one. Through engaging the community in conversation, ideas can be shared which ultimately leads to a deeper understanding how we can help the world through what we do in academia. My deep-rooted mission to the Trinity Community is one where I can help the college engage the wider urban community to become excited about learning, which ultimately leads to a society where the voice of the people is heard, and our work at the College will help the people to wholistically become a more intelligent
Public health as it is implicated in the lives of the community – it is important to conceptualise what this might mean. Moreover, public health has seen as a multidiscipline perspective in which it can be defined on many levels, and I find that it could be elusive to understand its meaning. By simple understanding of public health, I refer to an approach derived by Winslow (1920) and Baggott (2000).
What is the importance of community? Please talk about your experience with working with diverse groups of people and how you interact with others that are different from you in a community setting.
1. In your own words summarise the major learning points from the whole of the programme with particular reference to :
Community health is the process or characteristics that allow a community’s population and economy to survive. Community health is defined as the meeting of collective needs through identification of problems and
Communities are affected, and in a sense defined by, forces that affect community members and their space. The forces can range from outside organizations such as the government and large corporations … These components of the community vary infinitely, and thus no two communities are the same; even a given community is not the same over time (Cnaan & Milofsky, p. 1)
The process of people moving into cities, which is called urbanisation, was happening around the world in past decades. It causes cities to have more labourers and resources than before. This makes a big contribution to the social development of cities. Thanks to these social developments, public services are becoming better in these areas. Citizens can enjoy a better life by access these public services such as better medical care, more education resources and well-built transport. It means an equitable society can be created. An equitable society means citizens can have more opportunities to access social resources and to live a better life. This essay will argue that