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Artifact Description: Map of You—Use tools in Inspiration9 Software to create a mind map with myself as the main idea.

What you learned: This was a new software program that I have never used. However, with a few instructions from the professor, this programs was simple and fun to navigate. Inspiration9 made it simple from the very beginning. As soon as you launch the program, it automatically opens with a “main idea” insert that you can type right over with your own topic of choice. From there, it was a simple matter to click on the “rapidfire” link. I liked the name of the link, because it seemed to signal my brain to automatically begin a “rapidfire” thinking process. Once you hit the enter or return key a lightening bolt flashes and you are ready to enter your next thought. The beauty is that the software automatically creates another map bubble for you. You do not have to lose your brainstorming flow to create another bubble to insert your thoughts. This software is brilliant in that it encourages rapid thinking without interruption to your thought flow. Once you’ve allowed your brain to rapidly flow through your ideas, then the real fun begins. The software allows the user to insert pictures right over the thought bubbles. The program comes with several graphics or it is a simple process to copy and paste a graphic from the internet or one of your own personal pictures.

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