
Artifact Paper: Can We All Wear Prada?

Decent Essays

Artifact Paper
Can We All Wear Prada?
Denise M. Wright
University of Maryland University College (UMUC)
SPCH 324
July 4, 2015

1. Artifact

The Devil Wears Prada stars Meryl Streep as Maranda Priestly, the rude and obnoxious editor-in-chief of the leading fashion magazine and Anne Hathaway who plays Andrea, an aspiring journalist who takes a job as one of Mrs. Priestly’s personal assistants in order to gain the experience needed to help her land a job as a reporter or writer with a serious publication in the future. Andrea knows little about the fashion world or its impact on people’s everyday lives. Andy’s first few days working for the demanding and inconsiderate Miranda are extremely challenging, she even …show more content…

An individual’s body image, body satisfaction, self-esteem and confidence are affected by unrealistic, digitally altered, and stereotyped images used by the advertising and fashion industries. In the United Sates 94% of female characters on television are thinner than the average American woman (Yamamiya et al. 2005). By associating these images with happiness, desirability and success and stating that women can attain thin bodies by dieting, exercising, and surgery the media encourage female consumers to believe that they can and should be this thin (Yamamiya et al. 2005). While not all women are susceptible, exposure to images in the media of thin-and-beautiful women can lead to body image dissatisfaction which can be accompanied by social anxiety, depression, eating disturbances, and poor self-esteem (Yamamiya et al. 2005). According to studies, women become more body dissatisfied after viewing thin-and-beautiful images than after viewing average-size, oversize, or non-body images (Yamamiya et al. 2005). Due to the media’s emphasis on women’s thinness and attractiveness, females in our society are more body dissatisfied than males (Yamamiya et al.

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