
Artificial Intelligence ( Ai ) Is Intelligence Offered By Machines

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Artificial intelligence In e -commerce What is artificial intelligence : Artificial intelligence (AI) is intelligence offered by machines. In computer science, an ideal "intelligent" machine is a flexible rational agent that recognize its environment and takes actions that increase its chance of success at some goal. also, the term "artificial intelligence" is applied when a machine performs "cognitive" functions, such as "learning" and "problem solving". SiteZeus is a great example of using AI in developing the business by helping companies to create an intelligence platform. They use big data and machine learning to recommend the ideal retail location for brands, and to help the company to know their customers. Important Statistics about AI in business: 1. According to Bloomberg There was more than $300 million in venture capital invested in AI startups in 2014, a 300% increase over the year before. 2. According to Gartner by 2020, 85% of buyer interactions will be managed without a human. 3. According to Narrative Science 44% of executives believe artificial intelligence’s most important advantage is “automated communications that afford data that can be used to make decisions. 4. According to Gartner by the end of 2018, “customer digital assistants” will recognize customers by face and voice across channels and partners. 5. According to Narrative Science 80% of executives believe artificial intelligence improves worker performance and creates jobs. 6. According

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