
Aryan Nazi Injustices

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Under the Nazi regime in Germany those who did not fit the Aryan ideal experienced enormous amounts of mistreatment and injustice, for they were were stripped of their rights, harshly overpowered as a result of Hitler’s beliefs and treated unfairly within concentration camps. Due to Hitler’s beliefs, those under the NAZI regime in Germany, who did not fit the Aryan ideal, experienced many forms of injustice as Hitler attempted to create a fully ‘pure’ society. The NAZI regime, also restricted many peoples rights, specifically those who did not fit the Aryan ideal and other people who were considered ‘social outsiders.’ In addition, many people who did not fit the Aryan ideal were forced into concentration camps and experienced enormous injustice as a result of the NAZI regime in Germany. The aforementioned topics all had many significant impacts on the Aryan race, in particular Hitler’s beliefs which lead to many different forms of injustice.

As a result of Hitler’s beliefs, those under the NAZI regime in Germany, who did not fit the Aryan ideal, experienced many forms of injustice which had drastic effects on both the physical and mental state of the population, in addition to the social aspects of the country. During this time period, Hitler’s main beliefs were centered towards achieving racial ‘purity’ and the superiority of the Aryan race. In order to fulfil this goal Hitler spread his beliefs to his army and the public through the use of posters, the media, publicity

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