
As I Reflect On The Process Of Writing This Rhetoric Analytic

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As I reflect on the process of writing this rhetoric analytic research paper on two different scholarly educational articles from different educational journals, I realize that this was the most difficult paper to write thus far. Before this class, I never knew what rhetoric analysis of a paper was and had no clue how to do it until we were granted the rhetoric worksheets. It was a challenge writing this paper because prior to the peer review, I did not choose the appropriate articles. I had two from the same journal because I did not read the directions thoroughly. Also, organizing the paper was difficult because I was not sure how to exactly write a rhetoric paper on articles. After the peer review, I received great advice on how I can …show more content…

Although these two articles are scholarly and educational, they do differ in conditions like the articles’ context, the overall purpose of the articles, and the articles’ exigency, or relevancy.
The scholarly article, Dressed and Groomed for Success in Elementary School Student Appearance and Academic Adjustment is written by Caroline Fitzpatrick, Carolyn Cote-Lussier, and Clancy Blair. This scholarly, peer-reviewed article is about how instructor’s negative perceptions, biases, and academic adjustments for their students can not only hinder student’s potential in the classroom, but also their outlook on schools, specifically in elementary grades.
The second scholarly article, Critical Race Theory and Whiteness of Teacher Education is written by Christine E. Sleeter. This article is about how teacher education can be changed by addressing the Whiteness within it and how the targeted audience can be challenged.
Due to the fact that the articles are different, then the purposes for these articles differ. The purpose of the first article is to see how “theory and research suggest that students’ academic experiences are likely to be associated with their general appearance and demeanor” (Fitpatrick et al. 32). It is to inform the audience of teachers and policy makers, on how teachers are pre-judging their students based off of their initial appearance and relating that to their competence at school. Teachers are creating

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