
As The Advent Of The Eighteenth Century Had Came Into Reality,

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As the advent of the eighteenth century had came into reality, profound developments in the realm of the arts began to take hold. Romanticism, as the era was known, shifted the focus from rational viewpoints to a feel of expressing “…freedom and revolution in their art and politics” (Poets). In effect, individuality began to take root in writing, an ideal not employed during the reign of Classicalism. William Wordsworth, one of the numerous promulgators of this era, had set the stage, writing over the complexity and nature of the world around him. One the most notable poems of Wordsworth are “London, 1802”, which describes the decadence of Great Britain from his point of view, with notable focuses on its meaning and structure; Wordsworth …show more content…

As a matter of personal opinion, this poem seems peculiar with its prophetic undertones. To explain, a social divide like the one that is depicted by Wordsworth has been taking place in the United Kingdom. “Brexit”, a referendum to leave the European Union that passed during the summer of 2016, mimics the nationalistic fervor that is exhibited in the poem, especially in phrasing such as “…raise us up, return to us again…” (Meyer 703). In addition, one can infer that since older generations of voters swayed the decision, they too have a longing for a revived golden age, much like the plea that Wordsworth has towards the likes of John Milton, who was before Wordsworth time. Of course, this notable poem could not only be directed to the United Kingdom, but across the world as well. Across the many systems of governments, an ideological shift towards the right on the political spectrum has offered growth in terms of their own nation being the first of concern, and the rest of the world second. Such a shift tries to revive the golden age that Wordsworth has longed desired. In essence, the poem exhibits a striking resemblance to the world’s current ideological shift.

William Wordsworth, living from 1770-1850, was renowned in his establishment of Romanticism, with most of his works being shaped by his experiences. Having commenced his education at Hawkshead Grammar School in 1779, he found his love for poetry while discovering how to express his delight

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