
Assess The Difference Between The US Political System

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Similarities & Differences Between the U.K. & U.S. Political Systems

The political system in the USA is claimed to be inspired by the British system. Albeit similar in some ways it differs in many important aspects.
The British operate with a democratic parliamentary government, headed by a prime minister and monarch. The U.S. is governed by a federal constitutional republic having three branches of government, i.e. the executive, legislative, and judicial all sharing powers.
Notwithstanding these differences, both have a lot in common, such dual house legislatures and prominent political parties.

The Government and Heads of State
The differences between the U.K. and U.S. systems reach the highest level.
Within the U.K. system …show more content…

Prior to 2009 the House of Lords also assumed the role as the final court of appeal.

The executive
The most obvious difference between both political systems is that the U.S. has a presidential system with the apex of power granted to a directly elected President for a fixed term of office whereas in the UK parliamentary system the Prime Minister holds office for only so long as they command a majority of votes within the House of Commons. The Legislature
In the US both houses of the Legislature i.e. the Senate and Congress are directly elected as opposed to the UK system of elected representatives to the Commons and mostly appointed Peers to the House of Lords
Within the US system, resultant from the separation of powers, all legislation must be introduced by a congressman within the House of Representatives. In contrast with the UK system nearly all legislation is introduced by Government with a minimum number of bills being introduced by Private Members via Private Members Bills.

The …show more content…

In the US the term Conservative is viewed as being extremely Right Wing especially on social economic issues whilst in UK politics Conservative can be viewed as mainstream right-wing, especially on economic issues.
The term Liberal in the US is often viewed as generally being Left Wing and in the UK as centrist
In the US it is perceived that all those running for office must emphasise their patriotism while in the UK it is assumed that anyone who wants to run for national office cares for their country.
In the US the national flag holds a special place in the political heart of the nation being revered with many seeking criminalisation of those that burn or defame it, while in the UK the UK national flag of the four constituent nations forming the UK is seldom prominent at political events and is not held with the same regard or reverence as to that of the US.
US politicians often wear pin badges of the national flag, especially since 9/11 while in the UK politicians would seldom if ever wear a pin badge portraying the national UK flag as a result of the wide church of nationalism within the four constituent nations of the UK. The US is one country containing lots of separate states the UK is four individual countries with varying ideals, aspirations and

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