
Assess The Importance Of A College Education

Decent Essays

College is a place for students to grow personally and intellectually, it helps students prepare for their future careers and help them mature as an individual through opportunities and experiences. The importance of a college education today is a growing factor because the future of this country will depend on the students who attend college. Even though you may have heard how college may be rigorous and sometimes demanding, college will be worth it in the long run. After attending college, graduates who receive a college education could raise the student’s chance of economic success in the future. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, “In 2010, the median weekly earnings for someone with some college but no degree were $712, compared to $1038 for a college graduate” (Bureau of Labor Statistics). That is almost $17,000 in difference and there is even a bigger gap between students who are less educated. Graduates will be economically more successful as a result of having more experiences and a higher degree of education. Students who want to be more economically successful can take this fact into account, this fact will give incentive to students who want to attend college to be more prosperous.
Another reason why college is very much worth it is because of better jobs and opportunities. In the article, …show more content…

According to an annual study by the consulting firm Accenture, “84% of graduates from the class of 2014 expect to find a job in their chosen field. The reality is that only 67% of graduates from the previous two classes have received jobs in their chosen fields” (Accenture). Even though there may not be a guarantee of a job employment, going to college will help the rates of employment go up. When rates of employment go up, the chances of better jobs will increase. Job employment rate may not be guaranteed but attending college will help the rates go

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