
Why Is It Important To Go To College Essay

Decent Essays

When one is getting to a certain age they might ask themselves “Is college really that important? Does one need to go to college?” After high school, one could travel, work, go to trade school, or even go to college. When one goes to college, they have so many opportunities that they can do. There are many reasons why college is valuable; for example when one goes to college it is more likely for them to maintain a career, apply for a good job, earn more money, or can meet new people. To start off, college is important because one is more likely to maintain a career, and apply for a good job. In the text “New School Year, Old Story: Education Pays,” it states that “ as workers level of education increases their earnings rise and unemployment rates fall.” When one graduates college they won't have to be as worried as much as someone with only a high school diploma will be when losing their job. “No matter what you want to do with your life , I guarantee that you will need an education to do it.” said Barack Obama in his speech entitled, “Remarks by the President in an Address to America’s …show more content…

Based on a interview with Vivek Wadha on the t.v. program“60 Minutes, ” he states that “By partying students learn social skills.” If one learns social skills then they would be somewhat less likely to become stressed or depressed. Another reason is that with learning social skills they will be less likely to become stressed when interviewing for a job that they would like to do. “What made America a great power is when it started educating its workforce, ” Wadha Vivek said on 60 Minutes. As a result for America educating its workforce, if the bomb squad didn't get a good education then they wouldn't know how to defuse bombs and if they didn't know how to defuse bombs then America would be in danger. In summary, social life of college can help grow students into mature young

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