
Assessing Representations Of Contemporary Hollywood Using The Bechdel Test

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Assessing Representations in Contemporary Hollywood Using The Bechdel Test
The study of popular culture is incomprehensible without the examination of the representations in the mass media, such as television shows, music videos, advertisements, films and so forth. The Bechdel Test is a tool that allows for such an examination be conducted. Anita Sarkessian in her infamous blog Feminist Frequency suggests that The Bechdel Test can be used to gauge not only female presence in films, but also the representation of minority individuals.
Both versions of the test consist of three criteria within the evaluation framework. First, the movie must consist of at least two female characters and/or two racialized characters. Second, these characters are required to have names. Lastly, they should talk to each other about something other than the white male character. Thus, the paper applies The Bechdel Test to the movies Cinderella (2015); Mission Impossible: Rogue Nations; and Mad Max: Furry Road, to illustrate the fact that the popular culture continues to be influenced by Eurocentric ideals. Such an analysis is important, as it paves the way to the conception of how popular culture fortifies the social positioning of some, while continuously marginalizing others through its characterizations. To achieve this objective, the paper is divided into two main sections. The first section includes a brief synopsis of the films followed by the research findings using The Bechdel Test.

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