
Assignment 1: Source Analysis

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Source Exercise Section A- 1) In the 1793 map it shows that there has been some expansion since 1776 as there has been a new pier added to the harbour. This might be down to higher usage of the dock and to create easier access for ships. This shows that some development has taken place. There is also a new wood yard this might be to combat demand. At this stage though is no real drastic changes taking place which indicates that development and expansion at the time happened fairly slow. In the 1833 plan development and expansion has clearly taken place. The harbour is now larger which shows the development that has taken place since 1776. It has developed from a minor harbour to one that consists of two large docks and two harbours. The expansion has been made to cope with …show more content…

Table 1 and 2 show the religious beliefs of those in the districts, only 52% in table 1 and 54% in table 2 of people were part of the church. This leads to future problems when other religions come into path with them. Society evolved around beliefs in everyday life this is shown by the percentage of Roman Catholics in the community (9%) in table 1 and 11% in table 2 as they were introduced they could grasp a new living. There is a low amount of children who attend day school this is could be due to higher illiteracy rates at the time. This also shows that there was a different attitude towards education at the time. An attitude held was when old enough go out and acquire a job and less stayed in education. There was a low amount of children born out of wedlock meaning most parents were married. Occupations such as bakers dropped as there was an increase in factory workers and dockyard workers. Due to the industrial revolution taking place most jobs came in the form of factories and docks because that type of work was in high demand. Overall, it shows the daily life quite

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