
Assignment 2: Early Old Testament Narrative And Biblical Interpretation

Decent Essays

Assignment 2: Early Old Testament Narrative and Biblical Interpretation Explain how interpreting the Old Testament historical narrative is relevant in your life and ministry. Weave together the Covenants of the Suzerain King (Creation and Fall [including the protoevangelion]), Abraham, and Moses with your experiences and plans. As a deliverer of the good news, the Word of God it is imperative to know how to apply as well as interpret the Old Testament, as it provide reasoning for our existence. The Old Testament brings the Laws (Commandments), it reveals the Covenants between God and man. Within the Old Testament we find many biblical narratives that tell of the history of God. History is "his story." Through these stories or narratives as seen in Genesis and Job, when God reveals himself as the Creator and maker of the Universe, he sits …show more content…

The Old Testament tell of the creation, fall, sin, redemption, the Christ event, the growth of the church. We see the encounter between God and Israel is revealed, which tell of his call of Abraham, the Exodus under Moses, and the establishment of the land under Joshua. Interpreting the Old Testament contextually is vital so that we understand their setting, characters, and plot. This point exemplifies the importance of grammatical or historical study of the text, as our ultimate goal is to enter its world personally. I believe the more we learn about the details of the story and the characters it describes, the better we understand the narrative and its meaning for our lives today. Being able to interpret the Old Testament yields valuable lessons in life today. Understanding the author’s original intent at the time of the passage, using grammatical and theological tools will allow for clarity as to how one should apply it to their own life. It is important to know what the scripture intended to say to its original

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