
Assignment 4: How Evidence Can Interfere With Business Process

Decent Essays

1. Extensive confirmation social event can be utilized as an obstacle to the insider danger.
2. In case of evident occurrence, a proficient and fast examination can lead to moves made with insignificant disturbance to the business.
3. An orderly way process that confirms capacity can altogether decrease the expenses and time of an interior examination.
4. An organized way to deal with confirms capacity can decrease the expenses of any court-requested affidavit or administrator or legitimate need to reveal information.
Evaluate evidence collection and how the organization will handle the following two questions:
Can the evidence be gathered without interfering with business processes?
Evidence can interfere with business processes because it can affect the company’s reputation. Every time an organization is being investigated it can create a problem so the organizations just need to let the forensic investigator identify and resolve internal problems …show more content…

Searches and warrants, among other actions, are all common ways to gather evidence. Depending on how the evidence is gathered is what deems it legally obtained or illegally-obtained. Enable an examination to continue at a cost in extent to the episode, limit intrusion to the business from any examination and guarantee that confirmation has a constructive outcome on the result of any legitimate activity.
Establish a policy for secure storage and handling of potential evidence.
GCU offices need to have appropriate access controls to anticipate unapproved passage into secure areas. Finding the work force outside the capacity region limits the quantity of individuals approaching the capacity territory. Evidence needs to be handle by those of the investigate unit, keep in a secure room and GCU managers should determines who has access to the evidence.
Ensure monitoring and auditing is targeted to detect and deter major

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