
Criminal Justice Process Essay Outline

Decent Essays

DeAires Blackwell
Detailed outline of speech

Who am I?
Why am I here?
Go over criminal justice process from beginning to end
My job description
Parole officer
Guess speaker
Criminal justice process from start to finish
Main objective is to gather all information/evidence to support an arrest
One must have probable cause which is used to execute a search. Probable cause consist of evidence of illegal activity that can be located in a specific place.
Must read an individual his or her rights
Consist of taking an individual into custody for holding until court
One must have probable cause to arrest which shows a correlation between an individual and a specific crime.
Officer must observe the person commiting the crime
Probable cause
Officer makes an arrest …show more content…

In federal system all cases must be brought by indictment, states have the option to use either preliminary hearing or grand jury.
Preliminary hearing-counsel interrogates witnesses and all parties make arguments then judge decides the ultimate findings of probable cause
Grand jury- call their own witnesses and have the option to request further investigations
Grand jury decides if evidence has been presented to indict the suspect.
Judge will find the defendant guilty or not.
Prosecutor must show beyond a reasonable doubt that the suspect has committed the crimes that's been charged
Suspect has the right to a jury trial.
A judge or jury makes the final determination of guilty or not after hearing all

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