
Assignment: Assault Android Cactus

Decent Essays

Assault Android Cactus is a twin-stick shooter developed and published by Witchbeam for the PC in 2015. Assault Android Cactus stars android police officer Cactus and details her investigation into an apparently derelict freighter; where she discovers sentient robots are defying their programming attacking the human crew, at the behest of the four section lords. Should you brave the wrath of the murderous machinery in Assault Android Cactus? Android Police Investigation Android police officer Cactus approaches the seemingly derelict ship that went off the grid three days ago. The supposedly civilian freighter catches Cactus by surprise when it deploys several turrets, opening fire on her. Her commanding officer pleads with her to retreat …show more content…

The narrative isn't awarded more importance beyond the initial set up, and over the course of Assault Android Cactus, it develops in a predictable way. Assault Android Cactus' narrative is a fun, light-hearted romp mostly existing in the background, content on giving center stage to the enjoyable twin-stick shooting …show more content…

Assault Android Cactus features a familiar control scheme to fans of the genre; the left stick controls movement, and you fire with the right one, the right trigger fires, and you alternate between the two weapons with the left trigger. Since swapping weapons also provide some invincibility frames it doubles as a dodging mechanic you should prioritize mastering it in order to be able to beat some of the later, chaotically difficult,

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