
Assisted Living Nursing Home Essay

Decent Essays

Individuals alone or married need help with our daily lives. Which are unsure of inquiring information in helping them about nursing homes and assisted living facility. We never think about getting old until it hits our body or mind, but the truth is you don’t have to be old to go into nursing home or in assisted living facilities.
Most times we hear families arguing “I’m okay at my home, just leave me alone” and”” I don’t need help,” but in regards they do and don’t want to anyone. Especially when the family is talking about moving from home, but sometimes we should understand this could be only a temporary stay. As time carries on, and the family must work to provide for their families, it has us making decisions. Sometimes we have no choices …show more content…

In any case, the residents may feel stages of cognitive status, depression, functional ability, and independent healthy. As when living on their own, they develop a slow level of physical functioning, and mental ability to many older people. Then they have their privacy, a home-like setting, freedom, and a way of remaining a normal lifestyle. Yet, some uncertainties are faced from the moving which can have some medical standpoints, as it could be accompanied by failure of health and improved death of residents because of the likelihood of less supervision and less qualified staff. There were no alterations in the mental status of residents of the two facilities as a baseline. Residents of the assisted living facility have a higher functional capability scores at baseline than the residents of the nursing home, however, and there were also significant differences between residents of the two facilities with respect to depression, with nursing home residents representing more depressive symptoms. In addition, residents of the assisted living facility rated their overall health as better than residents of the nursing

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