
Assisted Suicide: Act of Mercy or Murder?

Decent Essays

Assisted Suicide: Act of Mercy or Murder?

By Gorge Lopez


Assisted suicide is also known as the right to die by a person’s choosing. The two main methods for assisted suicide is by lethal injection or by lethal pills .Most terminally ill patients chose to opt for assisted suicide, so that they no longer have to suffer. But more so it is not only terminally ill patients that are opting for an assisted suicide, it has reached out to the elderly as well. In some viewpoints, a person may believe that if a terminally ill person wants to end their life to end their suffering, it should be up to them. There is an opposing side saying that it is unmoral and against god. It is an ongoing discussion that won’t come to an end …show more content…

The most common method to assisted suicides is by lethal pills, due to their veins not being as sturdy as when they were younger. When people become elderly and have either no family or family that lives really far away become depressed and lonely and they feel this is their only option. In either case terminally ill or elderly these people feel that they don’t want to die with a lack of dignity. So some people felt that doctors should let these people die with dignity, if that was of their choosing. I really don’t think this option should be given to the elderly just for the reason of note dying alone. That could change I think, if an elderly person was a recluse and had no social life, they could out more and make new friends and maybe best friends or later in life soul-mates and that could change the aspect of them living alone. I feel that it is an unjust reason to request assisted suicide. Another opposition I have towards assisted suicide is due to religious reasons. It is up to the person to make the decision, but I feel it is immoral, a sin, and not god’s will. Suicide whether it be assisted or not is a selfish act. People that are not in a terminally ill state don’t realize the hurt they do to their family in being selfish. God wants us to trust, depend on and believe in him, so when you take your own life you are showing no faith in god. The way I see it is “Don’t tell God how big

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