
Asthma Case Study Home Trip

Decent Essays

Thank you for referring your patient Yusif Mohamed to the Putting on AIRS program. Enclosed you’ll find the summary of a home visit we made on March 15, 2016.

At the time of the visit, although we reviewed in detail using model lungs, illustrated instructions, and an asthma video to describe asthma pathophysiology, the purpose, preferred delivery method and care of his asthma medications, his mom was unable to teach back any of the information we reviewed. When the asthma educator continued with explaining when and how to prime the medications, how and why to use an aero chamber, knowing when to refill his prescriptions and when to begin treatment of the quick relief medication; mom was also not able to repeat any of the instructions reviewed. …show more content…

There was an open hole in the bathroom ceiling with a mold like substance around it. The local health department has notified the property owner, and repair of the ceiling has begun. The environmentalist will follow up accordingly.
2. The temperature in the apartment was very heavy (63.2% humidity) making it difficult to breath. Our recommendation is to lower the thermometer at night, and opening windows in the warmer temperature to circulate the air.
3. Clutter throughout the home – our recommendation is for the family to organize their belongings in order to minimize the possibility of rodent and pest management. As well as help in the organization of his asthma medications.

In summary, as our staff is confident Yousif’s mom was unable to comprehend, follow the instructions and recommendations discussed during the visit. Although, some of the inability to understand may be related to a language barrier because the primary language of the mom is French Creole; we can’t be certain this is the only reason. We recommend the Care Coordinator make an assessment of the family’s ability to manage Yousif’s asthma care as we feel the family would benefit from additional support in managing Yousif’s asthma.

Please feel free to contact the program with any

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