
Athenian Architecture

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During war with Persia, Athenians dealt with famine, plague, and the destruction of their city but that was not the end of Athens. Instead, Athens bounced back and thrived entering into the Golden Age. The Athenians began reconstruction after victory with Persia was secure. The new city rose from a plain and as each level went upwards, its functions and architecture became more exalted. At the bottom there was the house of commoners, built from stone and mud with little concern for architectural merit. The fine art and architecture went into public buildings, one of these public institutions being the agora. When redesigned, the agora was made to be more elegant designed for greater comfort and show. Beautiful public buildings and temples …show more content…

The agora contained temples, government buildings, and several columned buildings called stoas. On the walls of the stoas, artists created representations of various historical vents, such as the Battle of Marathon and different religious scenes. With the reconstruction, a greater emphasis was placed on the quality of the …show more content…

Any merchant found to be selling inferior merchandise was fined. The expansion that occurred with the gymnasia and theater demonstrated the value the Athenians placed on public life and on physical prowess and discipline. The gymnasium was made up of a running track, a wrestling court, fields for throwing javelins and discus and served as a place to increase fitness or socialize. Theaters were carved out of the hillside and plays were regularly preformed and served as entertainment. There were 3 different kinds of plays: comedies, tragedies, and satyr plays. Tragedies had strong themes where the main character often went through a main plot such as defying the gods or battling for power and these often ended tragically. Comedies were lighthearted and crafted of political jokes, comments, and messing around. Satyr plays teased the idea of the tragic theme. In the play the actors would dress as satyrs a mythical creatures. Making theater admission for poorer citizens cheaper, the fine arts were democratized. Architects and urban designers Ictinus and Callicrates planned the new acropolis and build the Parthenon, the main temple that dominates the hill of Acropolis, while the sculptor Phidias carved the friezes on the Parthenon and created a 40-foot tall statue of

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