
Essay on Atilla the Hun and Genghiz Khan

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1. Attila the Hun, Genghiz Khan, and Tamerlane share the same reputation of brutal, blood-thirsty barbarians who were after nothing more (or less) but the destruction of the so-called civilized world. Do they deserve this reputation or a case can be made in defense of one or all of these leaders?
Attila the Hun
Attila the Hun and his brother Bleda became “joint leader” of the empire after their father Mundzuk was supposedly killed by his brother, who took over the empire but was exiled because they thought him the killer of Mundzuk. They began to rule at about 435, but Bleda was killed in a supposedly “hunting accident” by his brother Attila [1]. With his brother out of the way Attila began to battle the “Eastern Empire.” And he attacked …show more content…

Tamerlane was an Islamic leader, who was called “Timur the Lame” as a result of a war injury that causes him to limp. He has battled without mercy with those that refuse to surrender, he saw them as the cause of their problems. Although he was a great soldier, but many were relief at his death in 1405, because he’d “burned and buried people alive,” built building with human captives, destroyed peoples’ farmland etc. Unfortunately he failed to set future goals for his empire like Genghiz Khan had done. Due to his poor administration, his empire was taken over by the Uzbeks [1].
These men were great warriors, I believed they must have been called barbarians because they’d sacrifice even family for what they think benefits the empire. Just like Attila the Hun supposedly got rid of his brother. Their diplomatic style suggests them to be smart and not just cut throats. I believe Attila the Hun and Genghiz Khan where the most strategic, their empire last longer than Tamerlane, who was obviously cruel and very well deserve to be called a barbarian.

2. Which of the religious traditions/systems that “traveled” along the Silk Road have you found the most fascinating and why?
Zoroaster was a religion that I found most fascinating because of its similarities with the Christian religion. Zarathrushtra a prophet popularly known

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