The Atlantic Coastal Plain is a level, marsh zone with a most extreme height of around 300 feet. The beach front plain is upheld by a bed of crystalline shake secured with southeasterly plunging wedge-molded layers of sand, mud and rock. Water going through this approximately compacted blend breaks up a significant number of the minerals. The most solvent components are iron, calcium and magnesium. The beach front plain augments westbound from the mainland rack to a fall line that extents from 15 to 90 miles west of the Bay. Waterfalls and rapids plainly stamp this line, which is near Interstate 95. Urban communities like Baltimore, Maryland; Washington, D.C.; and Richmond, Virginia, were worked along the fall line to exploit potential
The maximum depth is at a distance of about 80 km from the shoreline. The nearly horizontal continental shelf extends westward from the shoreline about 10 km before the profile of the ocean bottom indicates a relatively steep decline that continues until the maximum depth is reached. According to Figure 1, this decline primarily composes the [(continental rise)(continental slope)(abyssal plain)].
Georgia's coastal plain is full of wonder. Environmental and economic are two different things. There are so many facts about them for Georgia. This two passages Environmental Facts About Georgia's Coastal Plain and Economic Facts About Georgia's Coastal Plain have similarities and differences.The similarities about these two passages is how both passages describe the coastal plain though they are different, but passage number one talks about how the environment is helpful and Paragraph number two talks about how the coastal plain is helpful. The similarity is that they both talk about how it can help. Passage one can help animals and more plants grow it gives air, food, and water for the one that live there. Passage two talks about how it
The elevations goes for 300 feet being the lowest to 1500 feet being the highest.
Most of the precipitation is around the Gulf Coastal region near Austin and Galveston Island because that is the farthest point of southeast in Texas. Most of the Great Plains will not get nearly as much rain as the Gulf Coastal region because the elevation is a bit higher. The Mountains and Basins region will get little if not no rain at all because of the elevation of that region. The population in North Central is higher than most regions because of the few major cities we have and the growing cities. The regions Gulf Coastal and Great Plains are related because the weather is alike and the population of both regions are close together. The Great Plains and the Mountains and Basins are close related because the Great Plains has big hills
There are 2 types of beaches. One is erosion dominant and the other is deposition
Maryland is a beautiful place with pretty landforms lakes,etc. Coastal Plain. The fall line separates the Piedmont Plateau from the third major geographic landform in Maryland, the Atlantic Coastal Plain. This flat landscape borders both sides of the Chesapeake Bay and encompasses the entire Eastern Shore.There were conflicts in maryland about religions and stuff like that, “Religious conflict was strong in ensuing years as the American Puritans, growing more numerous in Maryland and supported by Puritans in England, set out to revoke the religious freedoms guaranteed in the founding of the colony.” In 1649, Maryland Governor William Stone responded by passing an act ensuring religious liberty and justice to all who believed in Jesus Christ.”
The Coastal Plains of Texas, once an empty wasteland of cattle and cowboys, developed into one of the key areas of growth throughout the nation; the amazing job opportunites, beautiful vegetation, and variety of landforms, many have begun to take notice of this unique area of the US and are starting to settle. Up to this point, about 7 million people have decided to call this vast area of land “home.” No one can deny the fact that the Coastal Plains region would be an incredible place to experience your life and what it has to offer. Only you and you alone can make this decision that will affect how you live.
The Coastal Plains of Texas is a large area that extends from the Atlantic Ocean to beyond the Rio Grande. This region can be divided into 5 distinct areas.
The Chesapeake Bay, which derives from the Algonquin word Chesepiooc meaning “great shellfish bay”, has been around for a very long time. Approximately 35 million years ago, a rare bolide (a comet- or asteroid-like object) hit what is now the lower tip of the Delmarva Peninsula, creating a 55-mile-wide crater. The bolide created what geologists call the “Exmore Crater,” which they believe was as large as Rhode Island and as deep as the Grand Canyon. Although this bolide did not create the Chesapeake Bay, it helped determine that a bay would eventually be located there.
There were a total of 48 counties that were studied along the Gulf Coast. These counties were used as the regions for how each state was subdivided. The coastal regions were made of 22 regions in Florida, 2 regions in Alabama, 3 regions in Mississippi, 9 regions in Louisiana, and 12 regions in Texas. When the entire coastline of Florida was studied, Florida has 1,350 miles of coastline. There are 35 counties that are along the coastline of Florida. One additional county was used that is not along the coastline as there was a shark bite at a Disney park. Larger counties were subdivided for a total of 55 regions; this is similar to the previous research conducted by Amin, Ritter and Kennedy (2012) [1]. The East Coast and Gulf Coast of
As I walk towards the ocean with the sand warm beneath my feet, the waves lap at my ankles, seeming as if they want to pull me out to sea. The sun rises over the horizon, reflecting off the waves and shimmering like gold. The salt air smells tangy as it stings my nose with the smell I crave while I am away from the ocean. The Outer Banks in North Carolina has been my favorite place to go from my first memories. I look forward to going there every summer because there at the ocean I feel at home. It is a place where I can forget every stress in my life and be totally at peace. It is a place where my family can spend time together, not like at home where we all have activities and places to be. The Outer Banks is not a beach where the ocean
I want to take a few minutes to empty my brain of all things regarding a place I hold very dear to my heart. I’ve traveled a fair amount for the short time I’ve spent on this earth. I’ve been to Spain, France, Jamaica, Canada and all along the eastern coast of the United States, but one of my favorite places to be was a mere four minutes away from my house. Hallowell is a small town of just over 2,000 people in Central Maine. The overwhelming quantity of memories I’ve made there multiplies the infectious positivity that radiates from Hallowell, and has played a major role in who I have become. Of the people I’ve encountered here in New York, people have a preconceived belief that Maine shouldn’t ever be a topic of conversation, because there’s nothing there to even talk about. They are extremely mistaken. Whenever possible, I do whatever I can to show people Maine is an amazing place to live, as well as a place to put on their bucket list of visits.
NeighborhoodInfo DC, Urban Institute’s data aggregator, provides profile information for DC’s 39 neighborhood clusters and helps to put the variances of income and unemployment in perspective while also assisting with understanding the rationale behind the selection of these routes by WMATA. Table 1 shows percentages of Black and White residents in these areas and lists the average family income and unemployment rates of each neighborhood as measured by 2010 census data. Based on 2010 Census data. 39 neighborhood clusters made of three to five neighborhoods.
Shorelines, the narrow strips of land located along body of water. These areas are also transition zones where land and water meet to create unique and highly efficient ecosystems. Shorelines are valuable resources that provide numerous social, economic and environmental aid. For example, shoreline ecosystems help purify water by filtering out sediment and trapping pollutants, including fertilizer and pesticide residues and absorbing excess nutrients from both natural and human sources that increase by human interaction . Shorelines also stabilize and protect the shores from erosion through presence of vegetation and limit flooding by absorbing water by creating buffer sediments. The littoral zone, extends from the depth to which sunlight can penetrate all the way on shore to a distance from 10-20 meters, depending on the slope. This zone supports and contains up to 90% of the life in a water body.( Schelenz, 2002)
Phase 1 begins with Beach Replenishment. Approximately 400,000 cubic yards of sand is placed along the shoreline creating a 95-foot wide beach berm to absorb wave energy. This is to be renourished at 10-year intervals. Dunes are another important part of phase 1 of this project. A 25-foot-wide, 15-foot-high dune spanning nearly 3,300 feet. Plantings are put in to hold sand in place. Over time, this will increase dune height. To make up for this, pedestrian and vehicle ramps are placed to provide access to the shoreline. A Pier Extension is one more necessity for phase 1. They have lengthened an existing fishing pier approximately 200 feet, including an Americans with Disability Act compliant ramp for individuals with limited mobility. Identical decking and railing maintains a uniform look along the shoreline. Finally, a groin or jetty like structure concludes phase 1 of the project. The groin is needed to hold sand in place and reduce erosion.