
Attachment Survey

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The formation of attachment begins at birth with the child forming some type or form of attachment with their parents or primary caregiver. Hopefully, the child is able to form a proper or secure attachment with their parent or primary caregivers because the attachment formed between the parents or primary caregiver acts the foundation for how well the child will be able to form attachments with others outside the immediate family (Gullone, Ollendick, King,2006).This is because the type or level of attachment the child was able to form with his or her parent generally predicts the type or level of attachment the child will form with others outside their intermediate family. However, as the individual interacts with the outside world more and …show more content…

For example, the attachment survey determined that one of my type of attachments is attachment-related avoidance, this is one area or aspect of the survey which I believe is very accurate. While I am a social person and I generally enjoy interacting with other people, however, there are limits and restrictions. For example, I prefer to interact and socialize with people or individuals who I already know. Therefore, it usually it rather difficult for me to meet new people because the new person usually has to make the first move and introduce themselves to me. Usually, after meeting someone new it takes me a while to open up and share the real me. When I interact with a new person I usually keep the topic we discuss regarding them or general things. Most of my friends describe me as someone who is very easy to open up, trust and share with, but who takes a while to do the same. There are also limits to how much or how long I am willing to interact with other people. As much as I like interacting with other people I like and need my alone time too. With that being said, when I reach my limit of socializing I want or need my alone time. I would often come home from school or work and just want to be alone in my room reading or listening to music on my iPod. Another area the survey was accurate in was the comment that dismissive are usually perceived as …show more content…

One method I have for interacting or socializing with individuals outside my group of family and friends is to look for individuals who appear to be similar to myself in traits, characteristics, and personality. For example, when I first started working at Wal-Mart I tended to avoid the other workers who were loud and outgoing. Instead, the first friend I made at Wal-Mart was a female who seemed to be shy, quiet and like to hang back from the other employees. After interacting with the female more, I was pleased to discover that we did in fact, have a lot of the same characteristics, traits, and a similar personality. According to Mercer and DeRosier (2010) selecting friends based on similarities is fairly common and generally relationships based on the two members’ similarities are more rewarding. I believe relationships between two people brought together by similarities are more rewarding because the two individuals in the relationship realize the other person will be more understanding and less likely to judge them harshly. For example, I did not experience a healthy or even normal childhood, with that being said, some of my best friends are those who have also experienced some type or aspect of trauma in their life. With these friends, I am usually more open and more willing to share the real Katie with them. For me to interact or socialize with an individual I

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