
Child 's Interaction With Caregivers Essay

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A child’s interaction with caregivers can affect them for the rest of their lives. Attachment and parenting styles play a role in a child’s personality, social, and cognitive skills. It is important for adults to understand the severity of attachment and positive relationships with children. Attachment is the foundation for a strong relationship between caregivers and children. Children usually become attached to the person who cares for them most often during their first year of life. There is secure and insecure attachment which can affect a child and their future. There was an experiment called “The Strange Situation” which studied children when their mothers left them in a room with a stranger, then returned. Researchers studied the reaction when mother both left and returned. A securely attached child would either go to their parent for comfort or greet her with a smile, fully content with what they were doing (Steinberg). An insecurely attached child would want to be picked up but did not feel comforted by it and they could kick or push their mother away (Steinberg). An indifferent child could ignore their mother when they return (Steinberg). When a child is securely attached, they show signs of courage to explore new experiences while their attached person is around, they go to their attached person when they are injured, they easily agree to what is asked of them, and they do not try to take control over their attached person (Appleyard and Berlin). A caregiver’s

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