
Atticus Justice Quotes

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Justice is treating people fairly and equal without the influence of racial prejudice. In To Kill a Mockingbird, racial prejudice and unfairness is displayed throughout the book. Atticus, an attorney, helps an innocent man Tom Robinson to not face the death sentence for a crime that he didn't commit. Scout, the narrator, shows Maycomb’s view on races and how everyone copes and deals with the racial prejudice. The Finch family household builds up Scout’s feeling of justice most in the novel. From the lessons of Calpurnia and Atticus, Scout's perspective of racial equity and profound equality are molded through their discussions.
Atticus, a man of virtue, educates his children that the color of someone’s skin shouldn’t determine how you treat them. His teachings are reflected in the way Scout …show more content…

Once, Scout asked Atticus what does the term “nigger lover” means and Atticus said to Scout, “Nigger -lover is just one of those terms that don’t mean anything-like snot nose. It’s hard to explain-ignorant people, trashy people use it when they think somebody’s favoring Negroes over and above themselves. It’s a slipped into usage with some people like ourselves, when they want a common, ugly term to label. somebody” (107). In this quote, it is shown that Atticus does his best to protect Tom Robinson, who’s an African American man who is accused of assaulting and raping a white woman. Although he is aware that he won’t win the trial, Atticus takes the case to show his children that one’s views on race should not dictate how they serve justice. Despite the fact that he's getting judged for protecting some person who's unique in relation to him, it doesn't stop him. Atticus disclosed to Scout that some people should be battled for regardless of whether other individuals are against it. He's saying that adversely labeling somebody who's

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