
Australia Role In Trade Essay

Decent Essays

Global links research- Trade

Trade is somewhat beneficial to Australia's position in the Asia-Pacific region. Australia's role in trade has several agreements that is tied with the other countries in the Asia- Pacific that helps our position. These agreements are social justice and equality issue the is trade with under developing countries and if all the workers are treated equally. Geopolitical advantage is the factors that affect Australia and other countries in the Asia- Pacific with their politics position and geography position. Trade has an economic advantage to Australia position which is gonna be a great investment for further years in Australia economy. We can therefore see that Australia position is very high in the Asia- Pacific …show more content…

Australia has a reputation for trading with poor countries which then helping other countries out with their economy and our economy. Trading with other countries creates more jobs growth within Australia and other countries. The jobs that can be created with other countries help the economy growth and get the individuals get more money. The disadvantages with trading with other countries and that not all countries are treated equally while trading. Australia tends to trade with poorer countries which then makes the products easier to buy and ship but buying at a cheaper can not be fair to the poorer countries. Australia gets lots of benefits from trading but when they do trade the other country could get ripped off by Australia. Some countries when they work they get paid porley, work long hours, dangerous working conditions and terrible working conditions. For example trading with China boost their economy and brings more job opportunities. But some of the work places in China have poor working conditions such as Foxconn industry. The Foxconn industry violates many labor laws with employing about 1.2 million people crammed in small factories, people working overtime without pay and dangerous working

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