- Australia's Cultural Diversity: History and Facts
The unique history of Australia has led to it having one of the most culturally diverse population in the world today. Almost 25 percent of the residents of this country were born in another country with numerous others being decedents of refugees or migrants. Also, add in all the almost 2.5 million indigenous people, whose ancestry on this continent dates back centuries, and you have the basis for the multicultural mix that is unique to this country. With immigration continuing in this country, the diversity will only increase and not decrease in the years to come.
Prior to 1788, Australia was inhabited by only people indigenous to the continent and surrounding
Historically, Australia and its policies were not accepting of immigration of a Multicultural Australia. With the ‘White Australia Policy’, adopted in 1901 (when the colonies
Australia has been a culturally diverse society since long before white settlement. The indigenous people had many different cultures, languages and customs, even members of the First Fleet came from a number of culturally significant backgrounds. Diversity in Australia took large strides 67 years ago with the beginning of the Snowy River Scheme which promoted skilled immigrants to come here and work, because as a nation just after World War II we lacked the manpower and knowledge to complete such a large and complicated project.
The Gold Rush made Australia largely colonised and continually expanding. In 1852, 370,000 immigrants arrived in Australia from many different countries. The economy boomed and many different cultures were introduced. Countries like England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales, America, China and Germany showed up as the majority of diggers on the Australian census. The population continued to grow
Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has stated that “Australia is the world’s most successful multicultural nation”. All the people know Australia is a multicultural state which is a civilization of populace from a wealthy variety of artistic, racial, linguistic. The multiculturalism describes the difference of culture and race in modern Australia. This difference is trying to safeguard the benefit of every Australian and national interest. Cultural variety is significant since our state, workplaces, and school are comprised of a variety of artistic, ethnic, and racial clusters. We can gain knowledge of it from one another. Everyone has their rights to express and share their culture heritage including language and religion. All of us have to establish a stage of accepting about each other. Everyone needs to respect each other whatever by different culture and religion, this is the meaning of freedom. Freedom is not likely to get rid of limitation or do what you want to do. It is a standard that everyone can understand the differences brought about by different cultures.
Post World War II immigrants from northern European society have resulted in many different nationalities moving to Australia. The northern European migrants faced many different challenges before coming to Australia and moving to Australia, let alone the challenge of adapting to the Australian lifestyle. However, they have largely contributed in the nation’s multiculturalism, which still lasts today. This essay will outline how the northern European migrants contributed in Australia’s industrial progress, the causes and effects for these immigrants migrating to Australia and the impact they have made on Australian society. Between 1945 and 1965 more than two million settlers migrated to Australia. All of the different people from all over the world have made Australia their home and shaped it to be the country it is today.
Multiculturalism in relation to Society and Culture is how persons work corporately in regards to their culture in a society. However, over time the growth of Australia's population has increase their culture in the country, yet the spectrum of persons in the media remains the same. Despite Australia having a multicultural policy that describe the "cultural and ethnic diversity of contemporary Australia". It is inefficient in the media, on a macro level. With the rise of media, there is a common trend with the persons in the industry being all Caucasian according to PWC recent report. This trend has interest me due to 6.7 million of Australians were born oversea. My interest is influenced by persons in the macro world, Osman Faruqi statement
Auburn is a suburb in western Sydney in the state of New South Wales Australia which had major changes that occurred over the years, the three major changes are transport population and culture.
Australia is a settler nation which is now made up of many ethnic groups who share similar cultural traditions, common language, shared history and a shared identity (ABS, 2016). These groups contribute to what is referred to multiculturalism. Australia has a higher proportion of people born overseas than the US, Canada and the UK, with 49% of Australia’s population (or a parent) being born overseas (Census of Population and Housing, 2016). Compared to other Western nations, Australia has one of the most diverse immigration populations (Collins, 2013, p. 145). The meaning of multiculturalism in Australia has changed significantly over time. Today, Australia is a culturally and ethnically diverse country and therefore is a multicultural society. In terms of public policy, multiculturalism can be defined as policies and practices implemented by the Australian government that aim to manage cultural diversity to benefit the whole of society (Department of Social Services, 2014). Although Australia is a multicultural society, there are criticisms of public policy surrounding multiculturalism.
The first people to live in Australia are the Aboriginal people which have said to be here from around 50,000 years ago. It says in the book True Blue “No culture can exist unmodified in a new environment” ( Peter Goldsworthy, 2008, page.57). but the Aboriginal culture is one of the longest lasting ever through their ability to change and adapt to the time which proves this quote wrong. Aboriginal people help in shaping Australia's identity as they are the main core of culture and history through their art, land and tourism. These aspects help create a cultural country which everyone can live
Australia was colonised by Britain in 1778, and this triggered immigration from Europe and the United Kingdom. Since then, Australia has seen patterns of people from all over the world coming in waves to start a life here, for reasons such as wanting to improve their quality
Disability Discrimination is a behaviour that is unlawful and unacceptable toward people that have a disability. Besides that, there is over four million Australians that have disability living in Australia (1). Therefore, Disability Discrimination Act 1992 was launched in order to protect people with disabilities so that they can have normal life as others.
Australia is a multicultural country and welcomes people from varying nationalities into its communities each and every day. As a result, classrooms all over Australia are changing. No matter what location a teacher is contracted to, there will be some element of a variety of cultures within that environment. Diversity of cultures within individual communities will fluctuate from town to town and state to state as people re-settle and create homes for themselves and forge a new identity and sense of place. As a teacher, it is also important to note, that the experiences of migrant students in your class will vary. Some may assimilate very well; others may encounter more hurdles than others. A teacher’s role in a child’s life should be one which is positive. Supporting a child through their education and ensuring they have appropriate care and compassion in relation to their situation is important. This guide has been put together to help teachers with some background knowledge on educating culturally diverse students and some strategies to help foster compassion and understanding within the classroom.
Australians made it clear that they wanted to conserve and protect their white colonies, since the ‘flood of foreigners’ at the time of the gold rushes (ibid). Each colony had its own anti-Chinese laws by the 1890s (ibid). The problem of Asian migration was frequently raised in the media and in political cartoons (ibid). People who had migrated from the United Kingdom (England, Scotland, Ireland and Wales) primarily made up Australia in 1900 (ibid). About 17 percent of the population were British-born (ibid). From the non-Indigenous population, 75 percent were born in Australia, and most had parents or grandparents who travelled out from Britain (ibid). While people from Asia and the Pacific Islands formed a very small proportion of the population, it was a fear of them that led to one of the first acts of the federal government being a Bill to stop them migrating into the country
The aim of this report is to investigate how cultural diversity is represented on free-to-air TV and compare this with survey results and research on Australian society.
Native and introduced species have adapted to live in Australia in many ways. Australia is one of the most diverse countries in the world. It has I loud a range of animals to establish populations, conditions in the ecosystem and that unexpected damages. Millions of species of plants and animals are found in Australia. The native and introduced species adopted to life in Australia because it was cut off from the rest of the world landmasses and so animals were unable to do so in other parts of the world.