
Autobiography Of A Fish Essay

Decent Essays

Autobiography | Final My life started when I was born to Shona Kae Boothe and Paul Steven Fish. I was born on January 21, 2002 at 7 AM in the Durango hospital. I got my name from both sides of my parents families. My first name, John, comes from my Dad’s side. My middle name, Riley, comes from my Mom’s. They are both traditional names that I plan to pass on to my children. I weighed 6 pounds 2 ounces at 19 ¼ inches tall when I was born. Even though I have had some complications in my life, I am glad to be alive today. I am glad to have the family that I do. I have two dogs, Daisy and Smokey. Daisy is almost 13 years old whereas Smokey is almost 4. They are both pretty small dogs and are very mixed breeds. Smokey is a grey color and Daisy is black with a brown stripe down her neck. I’m related to Gene Autry on my Mom’s side, and I don’t think that anyone famous is from my Dad’s side. I am the second youngest of all of my siblings. I have three older sisters, an older brother, and a younger brother. All of my older sisters are in their 20’s, my older …show more content…

The most impacting people in my life are probably Daryl Hackett, Cheryll Acree, Chris Dillishaw, and my Mom and Dad. They have caused me to become a better person because of the way they have treated me and the things that they have told or done with me. I don’t remember having very many toys when I was younger other than my Playstation and GameBoy. I remember staying up until 2 AM with my Grandpa trying to beat God of War and Crash bandicoot. The worst memory that i have is the couple of months that I was stuck in a hospital because of my ruptured appendix. The doctors didn’t get all of the poison out of my stomach, so they had to do a second surgery. I am forever stuck with a massive scar straight down the middle of my stomach because of it. Although I have had some bad times, there will always be good ones that will

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